African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: May 2024; 20(5)

May 2024

Phenology and growth response of maize and groundnut to different spatial arrangement and intercropping systems

Field trials were carried out at the research field of AAMUSTED in two cropping seasons (2021 and 2022) to determine the effect of intercropping groundnut varieties with maize using different spatial arrangements on phenology and growth. A 3 x 3 factorial experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), plus four sole crops replicated four times, was used. The treatments were: (i) groundnut varieties...

Author(s): Isaac Ntekor, Margaret Esi Essilfie, Harrison Kwame Dapaah, and Samuel Ebo Owusu

May 2024

Effects of manure and variety on growth and yield of maize under managed water stress at Salima in Malawi

Drought and low soil fertility are the primary constraints to maize productivity in Malawi. An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry season under furrow irrigation to evaluate the impact of goat manure application and drought on the growth and grain yield of the hybrid DKC8053 variety and the synthetic ZM523 variety. These varieties share a maturity period ranging...

Author(s): S. K. Nambuzi, V. H. Kabambe, W. G. Mhango, M. F. A. Maliro and J. M. Bokosi  

May 2024

Adaptability evaluation of US-developed soybean recombinant inbred lines in Rwandan conditions

About 70% of the Rwandan population live on agriculture-related activities. Soybean is among the selected priority crops that are supported by the government through the agriculture sector subsidy program. However, the national production and yields per hectare remain very low compared to other countries such as the USA. Yet demand for soybean products and byproducts is increasing. On the list factors limiting soybean...

Author(s): Daniel Niykiza, Tarek Hewezi, Tom Gill, Carl Sams, Tessa Burch-Smith and Vince Pantalone  

May 2024

The impact of organic fertilizer on maize, field beans, and cabbages within the agricultural landscape of Kenya: An assessment of efficacy on sustainable development goals

The study aimed to address the reduced production in agriculture and offer better opportunities to farmers for a sustainable future through organic farming aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Data were collected on the growth performance and yield of three crops (cabbage, field beans, and maize) from six sites: Mau Narok, Mwea, Limuru, Molo, and Njabini, between April and October, 2017. The results of the...

Author(s): Eunsung Lee and Ibrahim Tirimba Ondabu  

May 2024

Effect of partial substitution of Noug (Guizotia abyssinica) seed cake with graded levels of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) hay on growth performance and carcass characteristics of yearling rams

A feeding trial was conducted using sainfoin hay at 0, 10, 20 and 30% on a dry matter basis of inclusion to yearling rams placed on, T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively, to substitute Noug seed cake in concentrate (wheat bran + Noug seed cake + common salt + wheat straw as a basal diet). Yearling 24 rums were selected on the basis of age and weight similarity and randomly assigned to the four treatments in...

Author(s): Dinku Getu, Solomon Demeke, Taye Tolemariam and Mesfin Dejene  

May 2024

Honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Bench-Maji and Sheka zones, Southwest Ethiopia

This study evaluates the honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Sheka and Bench Maji zones. A cross sectional study design was used in the study. Four hundred and twenty households were involved in the study and 35 were randomly selected using stratified random sampling techniques from each purposively selected twelve kebeles. Specimens were collected from a hive of 72 households for...

Author(s): Teshome Gemechu, Elias Bayou and Tirusew Teshale