Full Length Research Paper
Measurements of transpiration in cultivated plants are of utmost importance, especially in semi-arid regions where there is low water availability with this, the present work aimed to determine daily transpiration, root distribution, and soil water extraction of ‘Tahiti’ lime plant under different micro-sprinkler placements in semi-arid conditions of northern Minas Gerais state. We assessed soil water balance, root system and sap flow of plants irrigated by three different micro-sprinklers setups: T1 - a micro sprinkler with 35 L h-1 flow rate located between two plants and along the plant row; T2 - a micro sprinkler with 70 L h-1 flow rate watering and between two plants, along the plant row; and T3 - a micro sprinkler with 35 L h-1 flow rate located 0.3 m from the plant. Treatments changed root distribution, soil water extraction, and transpiration of Tahiti lime. In T2 water loss was lower in upper soil layers than in the remaining treatments. Sap flow in T2 was higher than in T3 and T1, which indicates better water use in T2.
Key words: Sap flow, root, soil moisture.
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