African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: August, 2019; 14(31)

August 2019

Determination of the genus Meloidogyne species and study of their impact on the market gardening in the area of Bamako, Mali

The development of market gardening is faced with many problems among which there are the nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. The aim of this study is twofold: (a) determining the Meloidogyne species that are crowned by the perineal plates of female and (b) studying the impact of the multiplication of these nematodes on the tomato cv Roma (Lycopersicon esculentum L). Root samples were collected at five sites around...

Author(s): Boubacar K. Touré, Mohamed S. Maïga, Doulaye Dembélé and Hammache Miloud  

August 2019

Genetic diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) varieties grown in Daloa district in Central-Western Côte d'Ivoire

Cassava is an important staple food in Côte d'Ivoire produced in several areas including the Daloa district in Central-Western Region. However, this plant experiences biotic and abiotic constraints that strongly limit its productivity. Proper knowledge of genetic diversity is important to mitigate these constraints and select resistant and well adapted genotypes to increase the productivity. This study...

Author(s): Flora Yao, Mathurin Koffi, Innocent Abe, Bernardin Ahouty, Siriki Simaro, Ibrahim Konaté, Barkissa Traore, Edwige Sokouri, Martial N’Djetchi, Thomas Konan  and Tidou A. Sanogo  

August 2019

Parent-offspring regression, correlation and genetic advance of drought and yield traits at early generation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

A study was carried out to estimate the parent-offspring regression and correlation and, to determine genetic advance of yield and drought related traits of groundnut at early segregating populations. All the experiments were conducted in the dry season 2015/2016 at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Samanko, Mali under full irrigation and drought stress conditions. The data...

Author(s): Ousmane Sanogo, Pangirayi B. Tongoona, Kwadwo Ofori, Samuel K. Offei and Haile Desmae  

August 2019

The trade of the cattle fair in alagoas’ agreste:a description of this step of the comercialization process

This paper presents a descriptive study about the economic activity in cattle fairs from Alagoas’ countryside, Brazil, through visits in loco, application of questionnaires and secondary data obtained from Adeal in the two main fairs on Alagoas’ countryside, Brazil. The objective was to study the quantity of animals in the events, identifying the marketing channel and its segments, the negotiation volume and...

Author(s): José Adeilton da Silva Filho, André Maia Gomes Lages, José Crisólogo de Sales Silva, Conceição Maria Dias de Lima and Luciano Celso Brandão Guerreiro Barbosa  

August 2019

Transpiration, water extraction, and root distribution of Tahiti lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) plant under different micro-sprinkler placements

Measurements of transpiration in cultivated plants are of utmost importance, especially in semi-arid regions where there is low water availability with this, the present work aimed to determine daily transpiration, root distribution, and soil water extraction of ‘Tahiti’ lime plant under different micro-sprinkler placements in semi-arid conditions of northern Minas Gerais state. We assessed soil water...

Author(s): Welson Lima Simões, Eugenio Ferreira Coelho, Mauricio Antonio Coelho Filho, Miguel Julio Machado Guimarães, Marcelo Rocha dos Santos and Edio Luiz da Costa  

August 2019

Prospects and challenges of agro-industry in Bangladesh: An agripreneur view

Agriculture sector plays an important role in overall economic development of Bangladesh. A plurality of Bangladeshis earns their living from agriculture. Agriculture is the largest employment sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a fertile agrarian country where agriculture and its related branches have been acting as the main livelihood of major portion of citizen since independence. Agro-industry is playing...

Author(s): Dhanonjoy Kumar  

August 2019

Farmers’ perception of the parasitic weed Alectra vogelii Benth. and their cowpea varietal preferences in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso was the third largest cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] producing country in West Africa in 2017. Cowpea is the fourth leading staple grain legume crop produced in the country. However, its production is hampered by several constraints, among which parasitic weeds are some of the most devastating. Alectra vogelii Benth. and Striga gesnerioides Wild Vatke are the main parasitic weeds in cowpea production...

Author(s): DIENI Zakaria, BATIENO T. Benoit Joseph, ILBOUDO Dieudonné, TIGNEGRE Jean-Baptiste De La Salle, BAMA B. Hervé, ZIDA M. W. Felicien Serge, ZONGO Hamadou, SIDIBE Hamadou, PODA S. Léandre, TRAORE Karidiatou and OUEDRAOGO T. Jeremy  

August 2019

Impact of tsetse and trypanosomiasis control on poverty: A case of Pate Island of Lamu County, Kenya

The livestock rearing households of Pate Island in Lamu County of the Northern Coast of Kenya had been participating in the control of tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis. The objective of this study was to estimate the change in household wealth index resulting from tsetse and trypanosomiasis control. The study was conducted on 254 project households and 282 non-project households in the County. Using structured...

Author(s): Seth Onyango, Sabina Mukoya-Wangia, Josiah Kinama and Pamela Olet  

August 2019

Chemical composition of Urochloa brizantha depending on the seasons and cutting frequencies

The aim of this research was to assess the chemical composition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã variety and to determine which cutting frequency is the most suitable for autumn, winter and spring. The experimental design adopted was the completely randomized in factorial scheme with plots subdivided in time. Each plot consisted of four cutting frequencies (21, 28, 35 and 42 days between cuts) and sub plots were...

Author(s): José Augusto Velazquez Duarte, Marco Antonio Previdelli Orrico Junior, Nivaldo Passos de Azevedo Junior, Fernando Miranda de Vargas Junior, Denise Baptaglin Montagner, Poliana Campos Burin, Gustavo Daniel Vega Britez Marcos Arturo Ferreira Aguero, Nelson David Lesmo Duarte and Wilfrido Meza Giménez  

August 2019

Quantifying the response of different maturity groups of maize (Zea mays L.) supplementary irrigation in the Sudan Savannah of Nigeria

Field trials were conducted during the 2014 rainy season under rainfed and supplementary irrigation conditions to study the response of different maturity groups of maize to supplementary irrigation in the Sudan savannah. The treatments consisted of three early (2009 EVDT, 1999 EVDT and TZECOMP5W), one late (TZL COMP1SYN), one intermediate (IWDC2SYN) and one extra early (2009 TZEE) maturing maize varieties which were...

Author(s): Ismail Ibrahim Garba, Adnan Aminu Adnan and Abdulwahab Salisu Shaibu  

August 2019

Effect of tillage and mulching on agronomics performances of maize and soil chemical properties in Linsinlin Watershed of Centre of Benin

Soil conservation has become an important aspect in achieving food security. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of two agricultural practices on the agronomic performance of maize and the chemical properties of soil. A field experiment was carried out on loamy-sand soil using Fisher Block design. Tillage systems and mulching significantly affected maize growth and yield components. The interactive...

Author(s): Akplo Tobi Moriaque, Kouelo Alladassi Félix, Azontonde Hessou Anastase, Houngnandan Pascal, Benmansour Moncef, Rabesiranana Naivo and Mabit Lionel  

August 2019

Adaptability and stability of saccharine sorghum cultivars

The Brazilian bioenergy sector has been trying the use of saccharine sorghum in order to optimize ethanol production. However, there are few varieties fitted to this objective and little knowledge about their adaptability and stability. Then, the purpose of this work was to study the adaptability and stability of saccharine sorghum, taking into account the effects of the G x E interaction, to select superior genotypes...

Author(s): Guilherme Cassicala Eculica, Pedro César de Oliveira Ribeiro, Aluízio Borém de Oliveira, Nádia Nardelly Lacerda Durães Parrella, Pakizza Sherma da Silva Leite and Rafael Augusto da Costa Parrella