The issue of the animal protein requirement has led Togo authority to focus their attention on modern birds breeding activities through training and education programme entrusted to CERSA (Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires). To assess the current situation of the sector, especially about egg and poultry meat producers, a survey was carried with hundred applicants selected and trained. The investigation has covered 231 poultry farms through the country from 15 January to 15 February 2015. Concerning farm owners, results showed that men were 94.80%, while women were 5.20%. This large proportion of men can be attributed mainly to the mode of land acquisition. Moreover, a lot of youth from 20 to 40 years old are engaged in the production of poultry across the country. More producers have undertaken this activity with general secondary education level. About poultry farming background, more than 50% of farmers were trained while a few proportion of owners received the same training. The low productivity results obtained in farms can be linked to this poor image of the poultry farming sector asking for authorities to improve actor’s technical background through proper training and research centre.
Keywords: Egg and poultry meat producer, Sex ratio, Age, Training and Educational level, Togo