African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6863

Full Length Research Paper

Soybean yield of degraded pasture after reimplantation with and without phosphating

Luanda Torquato Feba
  • Luanda Torquato Feba
  • Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 572 - Bairro Limoeiro, Presidente Prudente – SP, 19.067-175, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Edemar Moro
  • Edemar Moro
  • Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 572 - Bairro Limoeiro, Presidente Prudente – SP, 19.067-175, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Wellington Eduardo Xavier Guerra
  • Wellington Eduardo Xavier Guerra
  • Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 572 - Bairro Limoeiro, Presidente Prudente – SP, 19.067-175, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 05 June 2017
  •  Accepted: 04 July 2017
  •  Published: 10 August 2017


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