African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 12 May 2016; 11(19)

May 2016

Levels of nitrate, pigments and thermographic analysis of lettuce under different temperatures of nutrient solution

The temperature of the nutrient solution in hydroponic crops of lettuce is a determinant of biomass yield and affects several physiological mechanisms of the plant. The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of nutrient solution temperature on the levels of nitrate and pigments in leaves, as well as green mass yield and thermal flow in lettuce crop hydroponically. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at...

Author(s): Samuel Silva, Ronaldo do Nascimento, Hallyson Oliveira, José Alberto Ferreira Cardoso, Diego Azevedo Xavier and Sonivagno de Sousa Silva

May 2016

Foliar application of urea and bell pepper amino acids

The Bell peppers is a tropical culture and it is in the 10 most consumed vegetables of the world. The mineral nutrition is essential to the productivity and better quality of the gather fruits. In bell pepper cultivation, high portions of nitrogen are essential to a good performance of fruits. The foliar fertilizing is a complement to the ground fertilizing. The amino acids are a good source of nitrogen, once these are...

Author(s): Rodrigo Teles Mendes, Roberto Cardoso Resende, Marco Antonio Moreira Pereira, Rafael Umbelino Bento, Renan Cesar Dias da Silva, Sihélio Julio Silva Cruz and Adilson Pelá

May 2016

Soil fertility status under smallholder farmers’ fields in malawi

Land degradation continues to contribute to the declining soil fertility especially in the smallholder farms. Thus, soil fertility depletion in the smallholder farms will continue to be the biophysical root cause for reduced food production if farmers do not implement best agricultural practices. It is expected that when farmers understand the current soil fertility status on their farms, they would make informed...

Author(s): Joyce Prisca Njoloma, Weldesemayat Gudeta Sileshi, Bruce Geoffrey Sosola, Patson Cleopus Nalivata and Betserai Isaac Nyoka

May 2016

Azospirillum brasilense promotes increment in corn production

The corn crop is one of the most cultivated in the world and one of the most need studies that seek alternatives on the use of Azospirillum brasilense. This bacterium produces growth hormones that may benefit the corn crop. The work objective was to verify the agronomical performance of corn crop, in function of foliar Azospirillum brasilense inoculation, associated with nitrogen doses. The research was performed in...

Author(s): José Roberto Portugal, Orivaldo Arf, Amanda Ribeiro Peres, Douglas de Castilho Gitti, Ricardo Antônio Ferreira Rodrigues, Nayara Fernanda Siviero Garcia and Lucas Martins Garé

May 2016

In vitro susceptibility of Corynespora cassiicola isolate from Brazil fields to fungicide

Corynespora cassiicola which cause the target spot in soybeans can lead to significant reductions in grain yield. Chemical control mechanisms recommended for disease control was performed with low efficacy in the field due to loss of the pathogen sensitivity to fungicides. This study evaluated the effect of fungicides in inhibiting C. cassiicola using in vitro test. Four isolates from different regions of Rio Verde - GO...

Author(s): Wheverton Castro Cabral, Hercules Diniz Campos, Lilian S. Abreu S. Costa and Gustavo André Simon

May 2016

Production and nutritional characteristics of pearl millet and Paiaguas palisadegrass under different forage systems and sowing periods in the offseason

The intercropping of annual crops with perennial grasses is a production system that is frequently adopted in the Midwest region of Brazil due to its economic viability resulting from the use of the same area for agriculture and livestock. Most agriculture-livestock integration studies have evaluated the use of forage of the genus Urochloa in intercropped systems with corn, sorghum and sunflower. Consequently, there is...

Author(s): Raoni Ribeiro Guedes Fonseca Costa, Kátia Aparecida de Pinho Costa, Charles Barbosa Santos, Eduardo da Costa Severiano, Patrícia Soares Epifanio, Jessika Torres da Silva, Daniel Augusto Alves Teixeira and Valdevino Rodrigues da Silva

May 2016

Assessment of bacterial wilt (Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum) of enset in Southern Ethiopia

Enset (Ensete ventricosum) production and productivity is threatened by many biotic and abiotic factors among which bacterial wilt of enset (BWE), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum is one of the major factors. There were no reports on the intensity and distribution of bacterial wilt of enset in South Nation Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State (SNNPRS). Hence, the objective of this study was to...

Author(s): Mekuria Wolde, Amare Ayalew and Alemayehu Chala

May 2016

Influence of spatial arrangements on silvicultural characteristics of three Eucalyptus clones at integrated crop-livestock-forest system

This research evaluated the influence of different spatial arrangements on the growth of three Eucalyptus clones as well as the characteristics that influence the quality of the timber. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa - Beef Cattle station, Campo Grande city, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The design was in randomized blocks in a factorial scheme (3 × 3) with plots subdivided by time and four...

Author(s): André Dominghetti Ferreira, Ademar Pereira Serra, Valdemir Antônio Laura, Alexandre Cassiano Batistela Ortiz, Alexandre Romeiro de Araújo, Denise Renata Pedrinho and Alex Mendonça de Carvalho

May 2016

Isolation, identification and in vitro evaluation of Bacillus spp. in control of Magnaporthe oryzae comparing evaluation methods

Environmentally friendly technologies, such as the use of bacteria (e.g. Bacillus spp.) to control fungal diseases of rice (Oryza sativa L.), represent a promising alternative for the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems. The present work aimed to isolate, identify, and evaluate (in vitro) various Bacillus spp. from the rice phylloplane for their potential to control the rice fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Samples were...

Author(s): Ivaneide de Oliveira Nascimento, Antônia Alice Costa Rodrigues, Flavio Henrique   Moraes, Flávia Arruda de Sousa, Marta Cristina Filipe Corsi and Aricléia de Moraes Catarino

May 2016

Efficacy of some local Bacillus thuringiensis isolates against soil borne fungal pathogens

Seven Jordanian strains belonging to the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were evaluated for their antifungal effects on soil borne plant pathogenic fungi under laboratory conditions. The antifungal effects of total soluble proteins of Bt stains on the growth of two isolates of the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum (isolated from roots of wilted peach trees and tomato plants), Fusarium proliferatum (isolated from roots of...

Author(s): Al Banna L., Khyami-Horani H., Sadder M. and Abu Zahra S.

May 2016

Morphocultural and molecular characterization of papaya tree Colletotrichum spp.

Papaya cultivation has great economic importance in tropical and subtropical countries, and Brazil is one of the largest producers of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in the world. However, productivity is hampered by plant health problems, particularly the pathogen Colletotrichum spp., which causes anthracnose and great damages on postharvest handling. This study characterized the morphocultural and genetic diversity of 21...

Author(s): Juliana Stracieri, Fernanda Dias Pereira, Amanda Letícia da Silveira, Hélida Mara Magalhães and Antonio de Goes

May 2016

Farmer participatory pest management evaluations and variety selection in diagnostic farmer field Fora in cowpea in Ghana

Participatory diagnostic farmer field fora (FFF) were conducted at two communities, Savelugu and Bukpomo, in northern Ghana to build the capacity of farmers on integrated pest management in cowpea production. The FFF involved a season-long comparative evaluation of farmers’ practices (FP) and integrated pest management (IPM). Farmers’ practices relied wholly on calendar insecticide sprays while IPM plots...

Author(s): Mumuni Abudulai, Shaibu Seidu Seini, Mohammed Haruna, Adams Mashud Mohammed and Stephen, K. Asante

May 2016

Physical and physicochemical composition of mangaba fruits (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) at three maturity stages

The mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) is a typical fruit of the Brazilian cerrado and caatinga. It has excellent nutritional composition but there are no studies reporting the fruit characteristics and its industrial use. The aim of this study was to analyze the physical and physicochemical characteristics of mangaba fruit in three different maturity stages. Fruit weight, volume, length, titratable acidity, vitamin C,...

Author(s): Plácido G. R., Silva R. M., Cagnin C, Silva M. A. P. and  Caliari M.

May 2016

Sources of technical inefficiency of smallholder farmers in milk production in Ethiopia

This paper estimates technical inefficiency in milk production of smallholder dairy farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia and identified factors associated with the observed inefficiency using a stochastic frontier production function approach. The analysis utilizes a cross-section data collected from 1,277 farm households. The result indicates a mean technical efficiency of 55%, suggesting a sizeable technical...

Author(s): Zewdie Adane, Kaleb Shiferaw and Berhanu Gebremedhin

May 2016

Quantitative assessment of palm oil wastes generated by mills in Southern Benin

While waste management is given more care for protecting the environment and human health, agro industrial wastes are still a concern, in developing countries. This study quantitatively assesses the palm oil wastes generated by mills and describes their management in Southern Benin. Twenty four out of 335 regional palm oil mills were randomly selected and assessed for waste quantities generated during the oil production...

Author(s): Tatiana Windekpè KOURA, Valentin KINDOMIHOU, Gustave DAGBENONBAKIN, Marc JANSSENS and Brice SINSIN