African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6878

Table of Content: September 2024; 20(9)

September 2024

Using superior plant growth-promoting microorganisms through bioprospecting to create inoculants for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) farming

Experiments with pot-grown plants are among the most common in plant research. In this study, we isolated plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) from the rhizosphere soils and root nodules of peanut plants grown under greenhouse conditions, and evaluated their PGP properties to select elite strains as inoculants. The isolates were characterized for the following PGP activities: phosphate (P) solubilization, auxin and...

Author(s): Béatrice Dibor Ndiaye , Mouhamed Thiao , Maimouna Cissoko, Malick Ndiaye, Nogaye Niang, Mansour Thiao, Saliou Fall, Samba Ndao Sylla, and Godar Sene,  

September 2024

Assessing farmer knowledge and performance of introduced wheat varieties using organic fertilizers in the North West Region Cameroon

Wheat, one of the most consumed but less produced crops in Cameroon, was the focus of this study aimed to investigate farmers’ knowledge on wheat cultivation and estimating the performance of introduced varieties using different fertilization methods in Santa. A random sample of 80 farmers completed an open-ended questionnaire, and subsequently, 14 varieties were evaluated in a randomized complete block design...

Author(s): Liliane Ngoune Tandzi, Laureta Numukwong and Carine Limofack Tandzi

September 2024

Effects of nitrogen reduction on wheat yield and quality in different ecological environments

To establish a theoretical foundation for the coordinated production of high-quality, high-yield, and efficient wheat in Yunnan Province, this study was conducted to examine the impact of 4 fertilization rates on wheat yield and quality under three distinct climatic conditions. The findings revealed that the fertilizer requirements for achieving high yield depend on the wheat variety and environmental factors....

Author(s): Jiasheng Cheng,, Xiangmei Qiao, Sakina Abbas, Zhilong Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Yu Wu and Yaxiong Yu  

September 2024

Effect of vermicompost on soil properties, cabbage earliness and yield under sandy soil agroecosystem

The present study was conducted to find the effect of vermicompost application on yield and some other parameters of cabbage under highly weathered soils of Uganda.   Five rates of vermicomposte (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t/ha) were applied on cabbage, planted in plots and arranged in RCBD during three seasons with three replications each. Plant height, number of leaves and leaf size were measured during the...

Author(s): Issa Balde, Arfang Badji, Abdoulaye Fofana Fall, Godfrey Sseremba, Khady Ngom, Joyce Nababi, Ablaye Ngom, Beatrice Wamuyu Mbugua, Mame Samba Mbaye and Kandioura Noba     

September 2024

Farm size and total productivity in selected maize producing districts in Tanzania: Implications for sustainable agro-industrial development

This paper examines the relationship between farm size and total factor productivity (TFP) in mainland Tanzania, using a Cobb-Douglas production framework and survey data. Our analysis highlights two important contributions: The examination of a wide range of planted maize fields and the evaluation of the association between farm size and total factor productivity efficiency across maize cropping systems (that is...

Author(s): Nickson S. Kahigi and Ntengua S. Y. Mdoe