African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 16 February, 2017; 12(7)

February 2017

Leaf area of sugarcane varieties and their correlation with biomass productivity in three cycles

The objective of this work is to study the leaf area and biomass production of 4 sugarcane varieties in cane plant cycles, first and second regrowth. The experiment was conducted at Fazenda Jequiá in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. A randomized block design with 5 replications was used. The treatments were 4 cultivars: RB92579, SP813250, RB867515 and VAT90212. The length and width of the sheet + 3 were determined...

Author(s): Vinicius Santos Gomes da Silva, Mauro Wagner de Oliveira, Terezinha Bezerra Albino Oliveira,  Bruno Campos Mantovanelli, Abraão Cícero da Silva, Adrielle Naiana Ribeiro Soares and Paulo Ricardo Aprígio Clemente

February 2017

Response of phosphorous fertilizer and its recommendation for food barley (Hordium vulgare L.) production on Nitisols of central Ethiopian highlands

Nowadays, making available proper and balanced fertilizer recommendations is of paramount importance in order to confirm security and increase crop productivity in sustainable way for farmers and other stakeholders. Soil test based phosphorous calibration study was conducted for barley (Hordium vulgare L.) on Nitosols of farmers’ fields in West Shewa, in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The experiment was...

Author(s): Legesse Admassu

February 2017

Automation in the control of a water mixer used for sanitation of bovine milking unit

The milking unit sanitization is necessary after use. The processes are usually divided in steps and each one needs water at different temperatures for proper cleaning. However, to get the right temperature for each step cannot be easily achieved manually in rural properties. A hot water and cold water flow are needed. The farmer will need to properly mix the two water flows in order to reach a desired...

Author(s): Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira, Gilberto Carlos Arnauts, Enerdan Fernando Dal Ponte, Rosemar Cristiane Dal Ponte, Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira, Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza and Eder Soares Machado

February 2017

Impact of climate change on cotton production in Burkina Faso

This paper evaluated the impact of climate change on cotton production in Burkina Faso. An econometric analysis resulted in identifying the major factors influencing cotton yields and evaluating the likely effects of future climate change. The results of our study regarding the potential impact of future climate change on cotton yield indicated that further increases in global temperature would significantly reduce the...

Author(s): Abdoulaye Diarra, Bruno Barbier, Bétéo Zongo and Hamma Yacouba

February 2017

Long-term application of swine manure on soybean grown in no-till system in Savannah soils

The application of liquid swine manure (LSM) in the soil as biofertilizer is one of the most recycling alternatives adopted, because the nutrients contained in this residue can override, in part or totally, commercial fertilizers, crop productivity with a reduction in production costs. The goal with this work was to evaluate the use of LSM as a substitute of mineral fertilization on soybean culture in conditions of...

Author(s): June Faria Scherrer Menezes, Mariana Pina da Silva, Veridiana Cardozo Gonçalves Cantão, Jeander Oliveira Caetano, Vinícius de Melo Benites, Gabriela Wilk Baião Campos and Bruno Lobato Rodrigues dos Santos

February 2017

Cryopreservation and effect of lighting conditions and cytokinins on in vitro multiplication of Miconia ligustroides (DC.) Naudin

Miconia ligustroides is a species that is native to Brazil and has medicinal and ecological importance. However, the species shows a lack of uniformity and delay in ex vitro germination. Thus, this study aimed to establish in vitro propagation for the species and to develop a protocol for the cryopreservation of seeds. For in vitro germination, activated charcoal (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g L-1) was tested in Murashige...

Author(s): Débora de Oliveira Prudente, Débora Domiciano, Renato Paiva, Fernanda Carlota Nery and Wesley Pires Flausino Máximo

February 2017

Physical and physiological attributes of black oat seeds produced in southern Brazil

Black oat crop occupies the largest area during winter. It is important for animal production, crop rotation and dry matter production of approximately 3.8 million hectares in Rio Grande do Sul State. To ensure sowing, seeds are produced which must have high quality standards and must be evaluated by seed testing laboratories. Given this, the present study evaluated the physical and physiological quality of oat seeds...

Author(s): Roberto Carbonera, Ubirajara Russi Nunes, Alessandro Dal’Col Lúcio, José Antônio Gonzalez da Silva and Lorenzo Ghisleni Arenhardt

February 2017

Agronomical and morphological diversity of the accessions of cassava in Central African Republic

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important subsistence food crop in Central African Republic. Data collections for the agronomical and morphological characterization provided 59 accessions of Cassava and were subjected to multivariate analysis to discriminate groups of accessions according to their morphological features. The Eigenvalues of the principal axes extracted from the multivariate analysis indicated...

Author(s): Kosh-Komba, E., Aba-Toumnou L., Semballa, S., Zinga, I., Yandia, P.,  Atato, A., Kadekoy-Tigague, D. , Wabolou, F. , Kongbo Dembo, E., Batawila, K. and Akpagana, K.

February 2017

Artificial neural networks in whole-stand level modeling of Eucalyptus plants

Forestry production is traditionally predicted using mathematical modelling, where whole-stand models are prominent for providing estimates of growth and production per unit area. However, there is a need to perform research that adopts innovative tools, such as artificial Intelligence techniques. The objective of this study was to train and evaluate the efficiency of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in the modeling...

Author(s): Mirella Basileu de Oliveira Lima, Ilvan Medeiros Lustosa Junior, Elian Meneses Oliveira, Jéssica Cristina Barbosa Ferreira, Kálita Luis Soares and Eder Pereira Miguel