African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 17 November, 2016; 11(46)

November 2016

Why is adoption of agroforestry stymied in Zambia? Perspectives from the ground-up

Small-scale farmers in Zambia are faced with problems of low crop productivity, scarcity of fuel wood and fodder, and subsequently are generally food insecure. Agroforestry can contribute to food and income security, amelioration of the environment and subsequently, to mitigation of climate change effects. However, despite all the potential of agroforestry technologies and the effort to promote them among smallholder...

Author(s): Gillian Kabwe, Hugh Bigsby and Ross Cullen

November 2016

Jatropha curcas performance in intercropping with forages grass and grain crops species

The intercropping system has been accomplished with the objective to supply demand for foods through limited resources by smallholders conditions, associated with worries about improvement of land use efficiency. This study was carried out with the aim to assess the biometric and productive traits of Jatropha curcas in intercropping with species of forage grass and grain crops. The experiment was carried out in the...

Author(s): João Alfredo Neto Da Silva, Cesar José Da Silva, Cristiano Márcio Alvez De Souza, Luiz Alberto Staut and Ademar Pereira Serra

November 2016

Evaporation of soil water based on the quantity and uniformity of crop waste distribution in soil superficies

Plant residues influence the energy balance and water vapor flux on the soil surface. The aim of this research was to quantify the effect of the amounts and distribution of crop mulching on evaporation of soil water. The study was carried out at the Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, located in Londrina City, State of Paraná, Brazil. In experiment 1,  soil water evaporation was determined according...

Author(s): Daiane Cinque Mariano, Paulo Sergio Lourenco de Freitas, Rogerio Teixeira Faria, Roberto Rezende, Rivanildo Dallacort and Andre Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva

November 2016

Determining and modeling the physical, thermal and aerodynamic properties of Pinto beans with different water contents

The present study aimed to determine and model the physical (orthogonal axes, circularity, sphericity and apparent specific mass), thermal (thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity) and aerodynamic properties (thermal experimental speed) of beans grains with different water contents. BRS cultivar were used as test crop and properties were investigated with seven water contents (32.9; 28.1; 24.9; 21.9;...

Author(s): Mateus Morais Santos, Ivano Alessandro Devilla, Cristiane Fernandes Lisboa, Pâmella de Carvalho Melo and Arlindo Modesto Antunes

November 2016

Analysis of trend in agricultural services received by farmers in Benue State, Nigeria

The study was carried out to assess trend in agricultural services received by farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. The three agricultural zones in the state, twelve blocks, thirty cells and four hundred and thirty two farmers constituted the samples for the study. Data were analyzed with percentage and mean score while some were presented in charts. Findings revealed that majority (86.8%) of the respondents were males,...

Author(s): Iwuchukwu J. C. and Nwobodo Cynthia E.

November 2016

Physical properties of an Oxisol under different planting and management systems

The changes of soil physical and mechanical properties, arising from the traffic of machines in farming operations, have been widely studied, emphasizing the negative effects of soil compaction on crop productivity. The objective was to evaluate the physical properties of an Oxisol under different planting and management systems. A completely randomized design one-way was adopted for the collection of soil samples. The...

Author(s): Elson de Jesus Antunes Júnior and Elton Fialho dos REIS

November 2016

Traps to capture fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae)

The aim of this study was to determine trap efficiency on capturing fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. The research was conducted in greenhouse of the Entomology Laboratory of the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraiba – CCA/UFPB, Areia – PB. The trap efficiency was evaluated by comparing three types (Delta, Pet and Circular Trap) with...

Author(s): Mileny dos Santos de Souza, Robério de Oliveira, Matheus de Andrade Borba, Jacinto de Luna Batista, Gilmar da Silva Nunes, Gemerson Machado de Oliveira and Izabela Nunes do Nascimento

November 2016

Evaluating land suitability for irrigation purpose in Abaya district, Borena zone, Ethiopia

Assessment of land suitability for irrigation purpose is important to utilize limited resources efficiently and for the sustainable production of crops and food security of the ever increasing people in our country especially the study area. The existing small scale irrigation system in the Guangua Badiya river basin farming area has no adequate soil and land resource information and also the irrigated area is very...

Author(s): Temesgen Kebede and Yonas Ademe

November 2016

Sweet potato cultivars grown and harvested at different times in semiarid Brazil

Sweet potato constitutes a source of energy and nutrient which is very important economically, especially, for the poorest people in the world, supplies calories, vitamins and minerals in the diet. The determination of the harvest age has great influence on vegetative production, quality, productivity and root biomass. The planting season is determined by climatic elements, which have influence on the growth,...

Author(s): José Ricardo Tavares de Albuquerque, Rayanne Maria Paula Ribeiro, Luiz Aurélio Freitas Pereira, Aurélio Paes Barros Júnior, Lindomar Maria da Silveira, Manoel Galdino dos Santos, Almir Rogério Evangelista de Souza, Hamurábi Anizio Lins and Francisco Bezerra Neto

November 2016

Effect of different container volumes and concentration of the controlled release fertilizer in the production of Eugenia involucrata DC. seedlings

Eugenia involucrata DC. (Myrtaceae) stands out by its ecological potential, and it is indicated in planting in degraded areas and permanent preserved areas. Because of its importance, the work aimed to evaluate the effect of different container volumes and concentrations of controlled release fertilizer (CRF) in the seedlings emergence and the seedlings growth of E. involucrata in nursery. The experiment was conducted...

Author(s): Daniele Guarienti Rorato, Maristela Machado Araujo, Adriana Falcão Dutra, Felipe Turchetto, Álvaro Luís Pasquetti Berghetti and Patrícia Mieth

November 2016

Improved production systems for common bean on Phaeozem soil in South-Central Uganda

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important grain legume in Uganda. Beans managed under conventional systems range in yield from 500 to 800 kg ha-1, with a yield gap of about 75%. The objective of this study was to compare the productivity and net profitability of four bean cultivars grown under three management systems on Phaeozem soil (Mollisol) in Masaka District, Uganda. The experimental design was a...

Author(s): Lance H. Goettsch, Andrew W. Lenssen, Russell S. Yost, Ebby S. Luvaga, Onesmus Semalulu, Moses Tenywa and Robert E. Mazur

November 2016

Electric energy consumption and economic feasibility of led lighting system in broiler house

This study aimed to compare the performance of incandescent lamps and LED lamps, regarding the consumption of electricity and the economic viability of these lighting systems in broiler houses in western Paraná State, Brazil. The study was conducted to compare the power consumption in two broiler houses of the dark house type in São Miguel do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil; one lighting system with...

Author(s): Solles Augusto Rovaris, Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira, Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza, Andrei Antonio Mondardo, Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Claudinei de Almeida, Glaucio José Gomes and Amauri Massochin

November 2016

Characteristics of soils under seasonally flooded wetlands (oshanas) in north-central Namibia

Lowland wetlands generally have a high agricultural production potential and can be local hot-spots for biodiversity. Specific seasonal wetland system is largely distributed in north-central Namibia. Seasonal wetlands consist of seasonal river wetlands (locally known as oshanas). However, studies on soil fertility, salinity and sodicity in seasonal river wetlands are still limited in this area. The objective of this...

Author(s): Yoshinori Watanabe, Fisseha Itanna, Yuichiro Fujioka, Ausiku Petrus and Morio Iijima,

November 2016

Effects of different tillage systems and plant densities in corn silage yield

In order to investigate tillage systems and plant densities effects on corn (Zea mays silage yield and component after harvesting wheat, an experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design in a strip plot. Treatments were arranged with four replications in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center Station of Dashte-Naz in Mazandran, Iran, for two years in 2012 and 2013. Tillage systems...

Author(s): Masoud Mohseni and Mohammad Hossein Haddadi

November 2016

Growth of eucalyptus seedlings irrigated with different wastewaters

This study aimed to evaluate the growth of two species and one eucalyptus hybrid irrigated with different wastewaters. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a completely randomized split-plot experimental design with three replications. The effluent included: Urban source, beef cattle slaughterhouse, poultry/swine slaughterhouse and soy processing/dairy plant from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In...

Author(s): Joiran Luiz Magalhães, Gustavo André Simon, June Faria Scherrer Menezes, Arthur Almeida Rodrigues, Uilter Sousa Azambuja, Douglas Almeida Rodrigues and Antônio Carlos Saraiva da Costa