September 2016
Effects of potassium fertilization and commercial substrates on development of passion fruit seedlings under greenhouse condition
The aim of this work was to evaluate commercially available substrates and levels of potassium on the development of passion fruit seedlings in protected conditions. The experiment was conducted at the city of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo within the period from April to September of 2010. The treatments were made with three different substrates (Bioplant®, Coconut fiber and Vivatto®) and four levels of...
September 2016
Tolerance of coriander cultivars under saline stress
This study aimed to evaluate the emergence, growth and phytomass accumulation of coriander cultivars under saline stress. The experiment was carried out from August to September 2014, in a protected environment (greenhouse), at the Center of Sciences and Food Technology - CCTA of the Federal University of Campina Grande – UFCG, located in the municipality of Pombal-PB, Brazil (6°47’20’’ S;...
September 2016
The Assistat Software Version 7.7 and its use in the analysis of experimental data
Statistical programs are essential tools for those who deal with scientific research and need to analyze experimental data. In agriculture, there are often uncontrolled factors, which determine the necessity of statistical analyses of the data. The Assistat software version 7.7 is one of these tools and this study aimed to demonstrate its functionality and efficiency in the analyses of experimental data of agricultural...
September 2016
Association of on-farm feeds handling practices with fungal growth and Mycotoxin production on feeds in smallholder dairy farms, Nakuru, Kenya
Practices used by smallholder dairy farmers for handling of feeds at the farm pose a risk of mycotoxins to dairy animals and dairy products, hence a public health concern. The aim of the study was to document the on-farm practices of handling feeds used by these farmers and how they influence the growth of mycotoxin producing fungi together with prevailing extrinsic conditions. Study involved the use of structured...
September 2016
Measurement of apparent electrical conductivity of soil and the spatial variability of soil chemical properties by electromagnetic induction
The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship between the measurement of apparent electrical conductivity of soil and its chemical attributes by electromagnetic induction. Geophysics methods used for soil measurement, with electromagnetic induction technique for measuring apparent electrical conductivity of the soil (ECa) is important for soil digital mapping, as it determines soil properties, with which ECa...
September 2016
Characterization of water-stress tolerant cotton cultivars based on plant growth and in activity of antioxidant enzymes
The aim of this study was to characterize cotton cultivars based on growth data and on antioxidant enzymes activity, in order to identify better-adapted cultivars to water-stress conditions. Nine genotypes were submitted to 7 days of water suppression starting at 45 days after seedling emergence (phase R1). The essay was carried out in greenhouse conditions, where plants were grown in 5 L vases filled with sandy soil...
September 2016
Selection of input vectors for estimation of aboveground biomass of Mimosa scabrella Benth. using an artificial neural network
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of input vectors in an artificial neural network (ANN) and determine their best combination to estimate the individual dry biomass of native bracatinga. The dataset consisted of 178 trees of Mimosa scabrella Benth. (bracatinga) from the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. The ANN used was a Multi-Layer Perceptron; the learning algorithm was the Levenberg-Marquardt,...
September 2016
Guava rootstocks growth under incorporation of cattle manure and application of organic fertilizer the base of fruit of peel
The use of rootstocks in fruit production is extremely important, as well as reducing juvenility also enables faster production. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the effect of different rates of manure and application of organic fertilizer on the growth of guava rootstocks. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the State University of Paraíba (UEPB) in municipality of Catolé do...
September 2016
Diversity, abundance and incidence of fruit pest insects on three Solanum varieties (Solanaceae) in two agro-ecological zones of Southern Cameroon
Various species and varieties of the genus Solanum (Solanaceae) are among the most important market crops produced worldwide. They may be considered as multipurpose crops since leaves and/or fruits are eaten fresh or cooked in various dishes. The increase of garden surfaces and the permanence of gardening have induced frequent outbreaks and diversification of pests and cryptogrammic diseases. In order to improve...
September 2016
Yield response of canola (Brassica napus L.) to different inter-row spacings and sowing dates in northwest of Paraná, Brazil
In Brazil, the cultivation of canola has increased as a result of higher demand for biodiesel production. However, the current knowledge on planting arrangement and sowing time to boost the crop’s yield in the southern part of the country is limited. On this point, the goal of this work was to evaluate the yield potential of four canola hybrids submitted to different sowing dates and inter-row spacings...
September 2016
Root system distribution and vegetative characteristics of Prata type bananas under different irrigation strategies
This study aimed to analyze the root system distribution and vegetative characteristics (pseudo-stem perimeter, plant height, number of leaves and the leaf area) in ‘Dwarf-Prata’ and ‘BRS-Platina’ in their third production cycles under different five irrigation strategies. The vegetative characteristics were measured at the flowering stage and the root sampling was done after the harvesting in...
September 2016
Evaluation of mineral composition of endogenous and improved varieties of maize (Zea mays) cultivated in Southern Benin
This study aims to establish the mineral potential of 30 varieties of corn mainly used in the traditional and industrial processing sectors. The samples were collected from all agro-ecological zones of corn production in southern Benin. The nutritional profile of samples was evaluated through their mineral composition using AOAC methods. The results of cluster analysis revealed that the samples analysed were ranked in...
September 2016
Fungitoxicity activity of homeopathic medicines on Alternaria solani
The black spot disease caused by the fungus Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) L. R. Jones and Gront is one of the most important diseases of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The control is usually performed with fungicides, resulting in products contaminated with pesticide residues. In recent years, the use of homeopathic medicines has been highlighted in research for disease control. The aim of this study was...
September 2016
Biofouling and performance of labyrinth-type emitters in drip irrigation with treated domestic sewage
The use of wastewater in irrigated agriculture is an alternative to the lack of water resources of higher quality and allows obtaining, besides the reuse, environmental improvements. In the application of wastewaters, such as treated domestic sewage, localized drip systems are affected by the decrease in application of uniformity and discharge rate of the emitters, due to clogging. In this context, this study aimed to...
September 2016
Effects of boron fertilization on a crambe crop cultivated in oxisols
The consolidation of crambe crops in the agricultural and industrial scenarios comes up against the lack of recommendations and technical information on their cultivation. Thus, this study aims to analyze the effects of boron fertilization on a crambe crop cultivated in two oxisols. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse owned by the Agronomic Institute of Paraná, in the city of Santa Tereza do Oeste - PR....
September 2016
Performance of different genotypes of maize subjected to inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense
The lack and/or inconsistent behavior of results found in literature have limited Azospirillum use in maize crops. In this regard, this study aimed at evaluating the performance and chlorophyll a fluorescence of maize hybrids inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense under different nitrogen levels and protected crop conditions with nutrient solution. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at...
September 2016
Population dynamism and agrarian transformation in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa yet one of the least urbanized in the world. Despite the population of Ethiopia are overwhelmingly living in the rural area and agriculture has immense role in the national economy, the relationship between population and agrarian change is underrated. The objective of this paper is to comprehend agrarian change with population dynamism in terms of agrarian...
September 2016
Contribution of soybean seed treatment with Fluquinconazole to manage yield losses caused by Phakospora pachyrhizi using meta-analysis
The reduction in efficiency of triazole and strobilurin fungicides sprayed on soybean crops has stimulated investigations into alternative ways of controlling Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). Treating seeds with fluquinconazole may provide additional benefits in terms of disease management. Results obtained through research are inconclusive, however, with studies presenting both positive and negative outcomes. In...
September 2016
Enhancing the productivity of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) through earthening up practices at Tanqua-Abergelle district, Central Tigray, Ethiopia
Groundnut, an important crop provides significant sources of cash, oil and an important role in diets but the yield is low due to different constraints like earthening up. In this regard, this study was carried out to improve yields by identifying the best stages of earthening up practices. The experiment was conducted at Abergelle Agricultural Research Centre testing site in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 cropping seasons....
September 2016
Stability of soil aggregates in Latosols and Cambisols via standard method and sonification
The results of determining the stability of aggregates in water are sometimes contrasting, and do not permit a definition of the energy level or force involved in this analysis. The objective of this study was to compare two methods to determine the geometric mean diameter (GMD) and the percentage of aggregates > 2 mm in Latosol and Cambisol submitted to management under coffee. To conduct this study we collected...
September 2016
Chemical ripeners and different harvest periods in sugarcane in State of Paraná, southern Brazil
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of control action (natural ripening, without ripeners) and of glyphosate, paraquat, fluazi-p-butil, ethephon, etyl-trinexapac, sulfometuron methyl and KNO3 on the number of stalks per area, diameter of the median third of stalks and productivity (tons of canesstalks per hectare), and brix, pol of the sugarcane and extractable sugar. It was used a randomized block...