African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 3 April, 2014; 9(14)

April 2014

Structure-related properties of sweetpotato critically impact the textural quality of fried chips

This study sought to define what attributes of sweetpotatoes are most critical to textural qualities of their fried chips for effective selection of specialty cultivars. It compared texture-predicting fracturability of fried chips prepared from either structurally intact or disrupted slices of 13 cultivars; analyzed major attributes of these sweetpotatoes, including starch contents and properties, dry matter contents,...

Author(s): Ming Gao, Juliet Huam, Claire Moallic, Glory M. Ashu, Qun Xia, Lakeisha Stewart, Victor Njiti, Martha James, Guoquan Lu and Deepak Bhatnagar

April 2014

Breeding for nutritional quality for Corchorus olitorius, Annona muricata and Pentaclethra macrophylla 1: A study of their antinutritional contents

Breeding for nutritional quality of food/feed crops had somewhat been neglected by plant breeders all through the years. The objectives had mainly been focused on disease resistance and yield. Current concerns about the global food security need to encompass the issue of breeding for nutritional quality of food plants. One of the issues that revolve around the nutritional quality is the presence of antinutrients. These...

Author(s): Florence Ifeoma Akaneme, David Igata, Henry Okafor and Oluchi Anyanebechi

April 2014

Cation availability and electrochemical conditions in oxisols modified by land use and management systems in the region of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil

Management and land use is one of the practices that tend to modify the chemical characteristics of the topsoil by tillage and deployment of diverse cultures isolated or consortium. From this perspective, the objective of this study was to evaluate changes in the availability of cations (calcium, aluminum and magnesium) and influence  the potential of zero charge and the point and salt effect null in oxisols under...

Author(s): Risely Ferraz de Almeida, Isabel Dayane de Sousa Queiroz, Fernanda Pereira Martins, Henrique Amorim Machado, Joseph Elias Rodrigues Mikhael, Elias Nascentes Borges and Beno Wendling

April 2014

Antibiosis resistance of soybean genotypes to Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

This research aimed to discriminate antibiosis-type resistant soybean genotypes to Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824). Six soybean genotypes were used, according to previous selection, which were: IAC 100, BRSGO 8360, IGRA RA 626 RR, DM 339, PI 227687 and PI 274454. A completely randomized design was adopted, with six treatments and 10 replicates. Each replicate was constituted by 10 soybean plants and 10 D. speciosa...

Author(s): Eduardo Neves Costa, Bruno Henrique Sardinha de Souza, José Carlos Barbosa and Arlindo Leal Boiça Júnior

April 2014

Effect of carbohydrate source, pH and supporting media on in vitro rooting of banana (musa spp.) cv. Grand naine plantlets

The present study was conducted in the Division of Fruit Science, SKUAST-Jammu during the year 2012 to 2013 to investigate the effect of different carbohydrate source, pH and supporting media on in vitro rooting of banana plantlets using MS medium with 0.1 mg/L IBA and activated charcoal. Sucrose in the medium remarkably influences the rooting of plantlets. In the absence of sucrose, culture could not survive after 3...

Author(s): S. Ahmed, A. Sharma, B. Bhushan, A. K. Singh and V. K. Wali

April 2014

Effect of Verticillium fungicola (PREUSS) HASSEBR inoculation in casing soil and conidial spray on white button mushroom Agaricus bisporous

Dry bubble disease induced by Verticillium fungicola has been observed as an important disease of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) in India. The symptoms produced on well differentiated fruit body are localized light brown depressed spots. The adjacent spots coalesce together to form irregular blotches. If the host pathogen infection is established before differentiation, sclerodermoid fruiting bodies appear on...

Author(s): N. Kumar, A. B. Mishra and M. C. Bharadwaj