November 2014
Performance of segregating populations of feijoa cultivated under the agroforestry systems in southern Brazil
In the south of Brazil, the development of agroforestry systems (AFS) lacks knowledge about the adaptation of species. Feijoa [Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret] is a fruit species, listed as being capable to use for AFS. In order to evaluate the performance of segregating populations derived from two crosses between selected genotypes (C1 and C2), established experimental plots under AFS in five farms were evaluated...
November 2014
Effects of packaging material and seed treatment on Weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus (F) Coleoptera: Bruchidae) infestation and quality of cowpea seeds
This study was conducted to determine the effects of seed treatments using Neem leaf powder, pepper fruit powder, camphor, groundnut oil and wood ash in combination with five different packaging materials (cloth bag, paper bag, glass bottle, polythene bags and plastic container) on the viability and germination vigor of cowpea seeds. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized block design in a 5 by 6...
November 2014
Map of potential areas of groundwater by the multi-criteria analysis for the needs for water of the Baya’s catchment basin (East of Côte d'Ivoire)
The watershed located Baya is facing difficulties of drinking water supply. The objective of this study is to develop a model for preferential zone mapping to the implementation of water points. To achieve this objective, a combined approach of Geographic Information System and Multicriteria Analysis has been adopted for the mapping of these preferential. Multi-criteria analysis methods including Boolean method and the...
November 2014
Impact of soil salinity on fungal vector of rhizomania virus infecting beta vulgaris
Polymyxa betae Keskin is the only natural transmitting vector of the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) among the cultivated sugar beet. This work aims to study the impact of salt stress on fungus-virus-host relationships. The fungal infected fine roots of sugar beet plant naturally infected with BNYVV were collected and treated with different salt concentrations (0, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 ppm) of NaCl for...
November 2014
Subsoil chemical amelioration and crop yields under continuous long-term no-till in a subtropical Oxisol
Long-term no-till with shallow fertilizer input results in a chemical enriched topsoil but has minor effect of subsoil. The sub-optimal use of water and mobile nutrients stored in the subsoil layers is a frequent limiting factor to crop grain yield in tropical acid soils. This study aim assesses the corn and soybean grain yield response to gypsum combined with lime surface input as a tool for subsoil chemical quality...
November 2014
Anthropometric model and obesity index of agricultural tractor operators
This work evaluates the anthropometric model of agricultural tractor operators, presenting a diagnosis of the control instruments’ position and the nutritional state of the operators. One hundred and twenty-seven agricultural tractors operators were interviewed, of which 23 were selected for the anthropometric evaluation. A rural company, a farm, a farmers’ meeting and a tractor dealership were selected for...
November 2014
Logarithmic scaling and effects of severity levels of ringspot disease on sensory quality of coffee brew
A logarithmic scale was developed to evaluate the severity of the ringspot caused by Coffee ringspot virus (CoRSV) in coffee berries to investigate the effect of disease severity on the quality of brew. The scale comprised seven severity levels (0, 1 to 4%, 4.1 to 8%, 8.1 to 15%, 15.1 to 25%, 25.1 to 50%, 50.1 to 75%, 75.1 to 90%) and was evaluated for accuracy, precision, and reproducibility of severity estimation. The...
November 2014
Assessment of soil salinity using electrical resistivity imaging and induced polarization methods
2D imaging involving geoelectrical resistivity and time domain induced polarization has been used to assess the spatial variability of the physical properties of subsurface soil in Covenant University Farm, southwestern Nigeria. Apparent resistivity and chargeability of the induced polarization effect were concurrently measured along six traverses using Wenner array. The observed data were processed to produced 2D...