African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: October, 2022; 18(10)

October 2022

Polycentric irrigation water governance: Irrigation water users associations service delivery in Ketar subbasin, Ethiopia

Polycentric irrigation water governance allows community institutions to deliver better irrigation services. This study examined the Irrigation Water User Associations (IWUAs) service delivery performance in the Ketar subbasin, Ethiopia, focusing on four irrigation schemes. The irrigation water user associations in the subbasin were measured on their legal registration and financial status, while the four schemes were...

Author(s): Yohannes Geleta Sida, Belay Simane, Engidawork Assefa and Amare Haileslassie  

October 2022

Survey of fungal diseases associated with amaranth (Amaranthus species) in peri-urban vegetable farms in Kumasi and Tamale metropolis of Ghana

Amaranthus species is an important leafy vegetable in Ghana; however, foliar diseases of the crop reduce the marketable and edible portions as well as income to farmers. To facilitate the development of disease management strategy, there is the need to document various diseases limiting amaranth production. In view of this, surveys were carried out in forty-three peri-urban vegetable farms in the Kumasi and Tamale...

Author(s): Zippora Appiah-Kubi, Joseph Adomako, Harriet Dwamena, Elvis Agyei Obeng, Raphael Adu-Gyamfi, Enoch Adjei Osekre, Marian Quain and Charles Kwoseh  

October 2022

Spatiotemporal evolution and identification of oil palm phenolic compounds in response to vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis in Côte d'Ivoire

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis (Foe) is a fungus that attacks oil palm and affects its production. This study aimed at characterizing phenolic compounds and evaluating their spatiotemporal evolution in two cultivars (sensitive and tolerant to fusariosis). For this, total phenols were quantified during the latency period [0 to 28 Days After Inoculation (DAI)] of Foe. Thereafter, phenolic extracts from plant organs...

Author(s): Françoise Balé GOGBE-DIBI, Engueran Konan DJAHA, Diabate SEKOU, Klotioloma COULIBALY, Bertin Koffi YAO, Pierre Walet N’GUESSAN, Norbert N’Dri KOUAME and Odette Denezon DOGBO  

October 2022

Social cultural factors as key determinants of agricultural technology adoption: the case of new rice for Africa (NERICA) adoption in Migori County, Kenya

Agricultural technologies have been identified as one of the key ways to improve smallholder farmers' food security and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, the adoption of these technologies remains low. Previous studies have focused more on the agronomic and socio-economic aspects influencing agricultural technology adoption. The social and cultural dimensions of adoption have hardly been addressed. The...

Author(s): Eunice Boruru Ongoro, Preston Chitere Orieko and Edward Gizemba Ontita  

October 2022

Combined effects of water retaining agent and green manure on trace elements concentration in tobacco farming purple soils

Green manure (GM) is widely adopted for agricultural productivity and sustainability. The present study supplemented the GM effect with that of water retaining agent (WRA) to enhance the sustainability of tobacco planting purple soils in Sichuan Province, China. The study employed three GM legumes varieties (Trifolium repens, Vicia villosa and Medicago sativa), while the WRA used was polyacrylamide at different...

Author(s): Angelique Iradukunda, Dan Zhang, Tianhui Ye, Ernest Uwiringiyimana,, Lu Xu and Solange Uwamahoro,  

October 2022

Genetic diversity and indigenous knowledge of fonio (Digitaria exilis stapf) produced in Burkina Faso

Fonio (Digitaria exilis [Kippist] Stapf) species is from Africa. In Burkina Faso, the genetic diversity of fonio is little known. It is the same for its mode of management and the understanding of its culture. The objective of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of fonio grown in Burkina Faso. Prospecting collects a permit to identify production areas and collect 60 accessions. The ethnobotanical survey...

Author(s): BALMA Patrice, KABORE Boukare, KABRE Vonogo Nikodème, KIEBRE Mariam, KIEBRE Zakaria, SANOU Jacob and BATIONO/KANDO Pauline  

October 2022

Comparative efficacy and economic efficiency of different insecticides against cotton thrips (Thrips tabaci L.) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on cotton in the Middle Awash, Ethiopia

Thrips, Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on the cotton plant is an extremely invasive and destructive pest that reduces yield. Field studies were conducted at Werer Agricultural Research Center, Middle Awash, Afar, Ethiopia, for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) to determine the effectiveness of different synthetic chemical insecticides for the control of cotton thrips (T. tabaci) on the Deltapine-90 cotton...

Author(s): Nurhussein Seid Yesuf, Zemedkun Alemu and Sileshi Getahun  

October 2022

Morphological characterization of purple-grain maize (zea mays L.) diversity in Côte d’Ivoire

Purple-grain maize is a marginal cereal grown exclusively and consumed in the Central-North of Côte d'Ivoire. However, few studies have been done on the diversity of this cultivar. Whereas, the use of local genetic resources available for breeding purposes requires a good knowledge of their agronomic and morphological characteristics. Thus, 70 accessions of purple-grain maize collected in the Hambol region...

Author(s): N’DA Hugues Annicet, AKANVOU Louise, AKANZA Kouadjo Paul and KOUAKOU Charles Konan

October 2022

Analysis of farm-household adoption and choice of natural resource management innovation (Soil and Water Conservation Technologies) in Ethiopia: The role of poverty

The study examined factors that determine adoption and choice of SWC technologies under CGIAR-related agricultural innovations in Ethiopia, using data from Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey (ESS4). Specifically, the study assessed the effect of poverty, socioeconomic and plot level factors on adoption and choice of SWC technologies. Poverty is found as an important factor in adoption and choice of SWC technologies by farm...

Author(s): Abduljelil Ahmedin, Belay Simane and Aseffa Seyoum

October 2022

Selected soil properties and small-holder dairy farmers’ perceptions on improved forage varieties in the Southern highlands of Tanzania

The current study was aimed at assessing selected soil properties of forage gardens and perceptions of small-holder dairy farmers to newly introduced improved forage in Southern highlands, Tanzania. A total of 101 respondents were randomly sampled and interviewed on the issues relating to management, preferences, and adoption challenges of different pasture varieties. Some surveyed households (38) were purposefully...

Author(s): Safiel Kangalu Mteta, David Dawson Maleko and Boniface Hussein Massawe