African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: September, 2022; 18(9)

September 2022

Screening and identification of antagonistic bacterial strains against Botrytis cinerea in Panax ginseng

Endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and Botrytis cinerea was responsible for the fungus disease. Antagonistic strain was identified based on morphological characteristic and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The results showed that 56 endophytic bacteria were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and FS-1 strain has good inhibitory effect on B....

Author(s): Chunyuan Zhou, Chengci Piao and Hao Zhang,  

September 2022

Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon

Cultivation of waterleaf improves the life quality of families and provides additional income for farmers. However, waterleaf production in Cameroon has suffered a major blow from leaf spot disease. Ten farms with dimensions of 4 m by 3 m each in Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon were surveyed for leaf spot disease of Talinum triangulare. Disease incidence and severity were assessed by surveying the farms after every fourteen...

Author(s): Anembom C., Tacham W. N., Chia G. K., Bih J. N. and Kinge T. R.  

September 2022

Anaplasma phagocytophilum in cattle parasitism in Benin: An emerging pathogen transmitted by ticks

Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a bacterium transmitted by ticks, is responsible for granulocytic anaplasmosis, an emerging zoonosis that has never been reported nor identified previously in Benin and in the West African sub-region. This study is designed not only to investigate the prevalence of the disease and evaluate mortalities recorded at Kpinnou farm after importing Girolando cattle from Brazil in 2014 but also to...

Author(s): Adehan Safiou Bienvenu, Akpo Yao, Badarou Kadidjatoulaï Opeyemi, Kounonzo Maurice Landry, Dah-Nouvlessounon Durand, Kande Souleymane, Gbaguidi Armel Michel,  Mama Traoré, Boko K. Cyrille, Madder Maxime, and Farougou Souaïbou  

September 2022

Unravelling systems of inequality and debating pro-poor policy results in drought prone areas of South West Ethiopia

A desk review, survey, interview and on-site observation were used to collect data. The impact of external systems on smallholder water scarcity management institutions in the context drought stress was analyzed in this study. The findings show that the external intervention eliminated resilient people’s institutions such as water scarcity (in droughts). Interventions introduce new water management systems that...

Author(s): Filmon Hadaro Hando  

September 2022

Pursuing development on the Eastern Flank of Mt Cameroon: Implications on its heavy metal status, environmental quality and human security

In order to maintain environmental quality and ensures food security, this study evaluated baseline heavy metal contents in agricultural fields in the Eastern Flank of Mt Cameroon. It specifically (a) determined the physicochemical properties of soils and the heavy metal concentrations; (b) produce geochemical maps for the heavy metals; (c) determined the major factors controlling the distributions of the metals. Twenty...

Author(s): Yvette N. NDEH, Godswill A. ASONGWE, Kenneth MBENE, Christopher NGOSONG, Norbert N. FOMENKY, Irene B. BAME and Aaron S. TENING  

September 2022

Analysis of inputs variability on rice growth stages in Mbeya region

As rice develops from sowing to harvesting stages require a combination of both natural and non-natural inputs. Thus, at every stage, specific proportions are demanded as aggregates which contribute to the final yields. Understanding these inputs and their impacts on rice yield will help the small scale rice farmers in Tanzania to boost rice yields. This study pursues to (i) characterize rice farmers’ in Mbeya...

Author(s): Peter David Kulyakwave, Shiwei Xu, Wen Yu and Jane George Mwakyusa  

September 2022

Determining the appropriate period of herbicide application in irrigated wheat in Awash Valley, Ethiopia

Weed infestation is one of the main menaces of irrigated wheat production and productivity in Ethiopia. This experiment was conducted at Amibara and Fentale districts, to determine the appropriate period of herbicide application in irrigated wheat in Awash Valley. A total of ten treatments; 13, 18, 23, 28, 32, 38, 43 and 48 days after sowing along with a weed-free and weedy check were laid out in a Randomized Complete...

Author(s): Sileshi Getahun, Nurhussien Seid and Zemedkun Alemu  

September 2022

Farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies to rainfall variability in northwestern Katsina State, Nigeria

The research examined farmers’ perception and adaptation strategies to rainfall variability in north-western Katsina. The objectives were to determine the level of rainfall variability using 1976 to 2015 rainfall data; find-out farmers’ perceptions of rainfall variability; determine its effects on farming activities, and identify adaptation strategies within the farming systems. Rainfall data were sourced...

Author(s): IBRAHIM, Yusuf El-Ladan and ABDULLAHI, Hamza  

September 2022

Status of Ethiopian durum wheat varieties for the stem rust disease resistance under field condition

Production of wheat in Ethiopia is under danger from wheat stem rust, which is brought on by the disease Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici and has resulted in a yield loss of 100%. An investigation was conducted in a hotspot area (Debere Zeit, Ethiopia) to evaluate the status of Ethiopian durum wheat cultivars for their level of stem rust resistance in the field. During the main seasons of 2017, 2020, and 2021, 34 durum...

Author(s): Habtamu Tesfaye, Mekuria Temtme and Wasihun Legesse  

September 2022

On-station evaluation of straws and stovers with urea to increase utilization in Somali Region

Wheat straw (WS), barley straw (BS), sorghum stover (SS), and maize stover (MS) were subjected to different times of ensiling and urea treatment levels in order to identify the most effective ensiling time and urea treatment level to attain preferable nutritional aptitude. Both straws and stovers were treated with 0.40 and 0.50 g concentration levels of urea solution dissolved in 0.8 L of water and sealed plastic sheet...

Author(s): Daniel Seyoum Esheta and Woldegebriel Tesfamariam