How to cite this article
Aregu, L., & Darnhofer, I. (2015). Enhancing social-ecological resilience through social learning: A case study of communal pasture management in the Highlands of Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(51), 4681-4698.
Chicago /
Lemlem Aregu and Ika Darnhofer. "Enhancing social-ecological resilience through social learning: A case study of communal pasture management in the Highlands of Ethiopia." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10, no. 51 (2015): 4681-4698.
Lemlem Aregu and Ika Darnhofer. "Enhancing social-ecological resilience through social learning: A case study of communal pasture management in the Highlands of Ethiopia." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10.51 (2015): 4681-4698.