Full Length Research Paper
The proper identification of the insect and arthropod species of forensic importance is the most crucial element in the field of forensic entomology. The main objective in this study was the identification of insects’ species of forensic importance in Urmia (37°, 33′ N. and 45°, 4′, 45″ E.) and establishment of a preliminary data-base for forensic entomology purposes in Iran for the first time. A combination of various body viscera and tissues of some of vertebrates (sheep, cow, fish and hen), such as head, paunch, spleen, intestine, derma and liver was exposed in an open land on the private possession for 53 days. Ambient daily temperature (maximum and minimum) and relative humidity values were recorded; and existing keys were used for identification of different species. During the period of study, rainfall was none; average total temperature was 23.77°C; and average of mean RH or average total RH was 46.41%. Five stages of decomposition were recognized. A total of 3179 individuals were collected; belonging to 5 orders (Diptra, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Dermaptera and Blattaria), 11 families, 16 genera and 18 species: Psychoda sp, (Dip. Psychodidae), Calliphora vicina (Dip. Calliphoridae), Calliphora vomitoria (Dip. Calliphoridae), Lucilia sericata (Dip. Calliphoridae), Chrysoma sp. (Dip.Calliphoridae), Musca domestica (Dip. Muscidae), Muscina stabulans (Dip. Muscidae), Fannia canicularis (Dip. Fannidae), Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis (Dip. Sarcophagidae), Sarcophaga sp. (Dip.Sarcophagidae), Wohlfartia magnifica (Dip. Sarcophagidae), Dermestes maculates (Col. Dermestidae), Necrophorus sp.(Col.Silphidae), Blatta orientalis (Blattaria . Blattidae), Vespula germanica(Hym.Vespidae), Messor caducus (Hym. Formicidae), Cataglyphis sp. (Hym. Formicidae) and Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera. Forficulidae). The species ofPsychoda sp, (Dip. Psychodidae), M. caducus, Cataglyphis sp. (Hym. Formicidae) and F. auricularia (Dermaptera. Forficulidae) are seldomly reported in previous researches; and they were heavily focused to tissues of animals in these studies.
Key words: Forensic entomology, postmortem interval, daily rhythm of temperature and humidity, Urmia.
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