Full Length Research Paper
A standardized protocol was developed to enhance the in vitro regeneration efficiency of five varieties of tomato from hypocotyls and leaf disc with the involvement of coconut water. Different concentrations of IAA and kinetin were used alone and in combination with 12% of coconut water. Significant differences for regeneration, time taken to regenerate and number of leaf primordial were observed for different treatments, type of explant, use of coconut water and also among varieties. Higher regeneration was obtained in Avinash followed by Roma and Rio Grande. Maximum regeneration 95.75% was obtained with 0.5 mgL-1 of IAA, 1.5 mgL-1 Kinetin along with 12% coconut water in Avinash and hypocotyl was proved to be better for regeneration than leaf discs. The inclusion of coconut water in the media significantly reduced the number of days taken for callus induction leading to regeneration, as compared to media without coconut water. Significant increase in number of shoot primordial was observed in hypocotyls as well as in leaf disc derived calli with the addition of coconut water. Plants obtained were transferred to the glass house in small pots of compost and higher frequency of survival was observed from plantlets obtained with the addition of coconut water.
Key words: Tomato, coconut water, regeneration, days to maturity, shoot primordia.
CW, Coconut water; IAA, indole acetic acid; BAP, 6-benzylaminopurine.
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