African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Full Length Research Paper

Chemical and physico-chemical characterization of seeds of melon cultivars: Valenciano and Pele de Sapo, cultivated in the Amazon

Flavio Paulino da Silva
  • Flavio Paulino da Silva
  • Post-Graduate in Chemistry Program, Center for Research and Post-Graduate Studies in Science and Technology, NPPGCT, UFRR, Av Capitão Ene Garcez, No. 2413, Campus Paricarana, CEP 69310-000, Boa Vista-RR-Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Ismael Montero Fernández
  • Ismael Montero Fernández
  • University of Extremadura. Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. Polytechnic School, University Avenue s/n, Cáceres, Spain.
  • Google Scholar
Selvin Antonio Saravia Maldonado
  • Selvin Antonio Saravia Maldonado
  • Faculty of Earth Sciences and Conservation, National University of Agriculture, Highway to Dulce Nombre de Culmi, km 215, Neighborhood El Espino, Catacamas-Olancho, Honduras.
  • Google Scholar
Simone Rorigues da Silva
  • Simone Rorigues da Silva
  • Post-Graduate in Chemistry Program, Center for Research and Post-Graduate Studies in Science and Technology, NPPGCT, UFRR, Av Capitão Ene Garcez, No. 2413, Campus Paricarana, CEP 69310-000, Boa Vista-RR-Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Ricardo Santos Alemán
  • Ricardo Santos Alemán
  • Department of Food Science, Louisiana State University, United States.
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Vany Perpetua Ferraz
  • Vany Perpetua Ferraz
  • Chromatography Laboratory, Institute of Exact Sciences, Department of Chemistry, UFMG, Belo Horizonte-MG-Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Jhunior Abrahan Marcia Fuentes
  • Jhunior Abrahan Marcia Fuentes
  • Faculty of Technological Sciences, National University of Agriculture, Highway to Dulce Nombre de Culmi, km 215, Neighborhood El Espino, Catacamas-Olancho, Honduras.
  • Google Scholar
Bernardo de Morais Linhares
  • Bernardo de Morais Linhares
  • Federal Institute of Roraima. Av. Glaycon de Paiva, 2496 - Pricumã, Boa Vista - RR, 69303-340, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 13 May 2019
  •  Accepted: 30 September 2019
  •  Published: 29 February 2020


The aim of this work was to perform chemical and physical-chemical analyzes of the oil of the cultivars Valenciano Amarelo melon (VA) and Pele de Sapo melon (PS) (Cucumis melo L.) produced in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil, by GC -FID, IR, 1H NMR and the thermogravimetric behavior TG/DTG as well as yield of that obtained oil. Thus, the oil yield of Valenciano melon seeds was 28.47% and that of Pele de Sapo melon was 26.41%. The chemical composition of the oils of the two cultivars presented major fatty acids, such as palmitic acid, linoleic acid (57.5-59.4%) and oleic acid (22.8-23.3%). The physico-chemical characterization of these oils showed for Valenciano melon and Pele de Sapo melon, respectively, 125.02 and 120.96 g I2 100 g-1 for the iodine value and 187.80 and 185.65 mg KOH g-1 for saponification index. The behavior of the thermal degradation by TG/DTG of the melon seeds oils VA and PS occurred between 341.08 and 522.03°C, and 334.83 and 524.29°C, respectively.


Key words: Oleic acid, cucurbitaceas, biotechnology, essential fatty acids.