African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12491

Table of Content: 22 June, 2016; 15(25)

June 2016

Electrospun fibers for wound healing and treatment of hyperglycemia: A review

The use of electrospun fibers in diabetic wound healing assays represents an extremely important topic for investigation. Electrospun fibers have been applied in the immobilization of drugs, allowing sustained and controlled release of active materials. This review aimed to summarize the state-of-art in the application of electrospun fibers on diabetes, hyperglycemic and diabetic ulcers treatment. Regarding the diabetes...

Author(s): Soares J. M. D., Silva J. C., Almeida J. R. G. S., Quintans-Júnior L. J. and de Oliveira H. P.

June 2016

Predominance of N-acetyl transferase 2 slow acetylator alleles in children less than ten years experiencing adverse treatment events following artemisinin-based combination therapy in North and South West Regions of Cameroon

The human N-acetyltransferase II (NAT2) gene may vary between individuals resulting in variability in the incidence of adverse drug reactions. We set out in this adhoc analysis to determine the distribution of allele frequencies of NAT2 gene variants among children less than ten years treated with artemisinin-based combinations in Cameroon. Children with uncomplicated malaria were deparasitized with artemisinin based...

Author(s): Jean P. C. Kengne,  Akindeh M. Nji, Innocent M. Ali,, Olivia  A. Achonduh, Ekollo M. Aristid, and Wilfred F. Mbacham,

June 2016

Micropropagation of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos from seedling explants

Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos (Bignoniaceae), a tropical forest tree, is a source of wood suitable for the manufacture of fine furniture and chemical compounds with medicinal and insecticidal properties. Poor seed viability of this species limits the conventional propagation practice. In vitro germination of seeds was achieved in semi-solid Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) medium. A disinfection protocol was...

Author(s): Evelyn Duarte, Pedro Sansberro and Claudia Luna

June 2016

A endophytic fungus, Ramichloridium cerophilum, promotes growth of a non-mycorrhizal plant, Chinese cabbage

A fungal endophyte, Ramichloridium cerophilum, was identified as a Class 2 endophytes species obtained from the leaf of common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L). This fungus was found to grow endophylically in the roots of Chinese cabbage seedlings. Light microscopy of cross-sections of colonized Chinese cabbage roots showed that the fungus penetrates through the outer epidermal cells, grows further into the inner...

Author(s): Ling Xie, Erika Usui and Kazuhiko Narisawa

June 2016

Genetic diversity in two populations of Limicolaria aurora (Jay, 1839) from two ecological zones in Nigeria

Limicolaria aurora belongs to the group of land snails commonly called garden snails. This study seeks to use shell morphology and random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) to examine gross morphological differences in populations of L. aurora from New Bussa (guinea savannah) and Benin City (tropical rain forest) in Nigeria and possibly delimit the populations into sub species. A total of one...

Author(s): Michael Olufemi AWODIRAN and Zaccheaus Omololu OGUNJOBI

June 2016

Genetic polymorphism of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1B (BMPR-1B) gene and its association with litter size in Indonesian fat-tailed sheep

The Indonesian fat-tailed sheep (IFTS) is a local sheep that has been long time raised and well adapted to the extreme environments of Lombok Island. The present study was conducted to determine the polymorphism of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1B (BMPR-1B) gene and its association with litter size in the IFTS breed by employing forced polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)...

Author(s): Maskur M., Tapaul R., and Kasip L.

June 2016

Does the transgenic Cry1Ac toxin adversely affect the population dynamics of floral-visiting insects in soybean crop?

One of the strategies of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)-soybean is the use of genetically modified plants. However, there are concerns about the unknown effects associated with this technology on non-target organisms. The objective of this study was to determine the population dynamics of species of floral-visiting insects in Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and non-Bt soybean. In the experiment, two soybean treatments...

Author(s): Oliveira, F. and Fernandes, M. G.

June 2016

Morpho-phenological diversity among natural populations of Medicago polymorpha of different Tunisian ecological areas

Medicago polymorpha is a herbaceous legume that can be a useful pasture plant, in particular, in regions with a Mediterranean climate. The genetic variation in 120 lines of M. polymorpha sampled from five regions in Tunisia was characterized on the basis of 16 morpho-phenological characters. Results from analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that differences among populations and lines existed for all traits, with...

Author(s): Mounawer Badri, Najah Ben Cheikh, Asma Mahjoub and Chedly Abdelly

June 2016

Morph-physiological responses to water deficit in parental genotypes of Medicago truncatula recombinant inbred lines

Medicago truncatula is an omni-Mediterranean species grown as an annual forage legume. In addition to its small genome size and simple genetics, M. truncatula harbors several attributes which make it an attractive model legume. In this study, we investigated morphological and photosynthetic responses to water deficit in parental genotypes of M. truncatula recombinant inbred lines. Ten parental lines were...

Author(s): Mounawer Badri, Saoussen Mahfoudh and Chedly Abdelly

June 2016

Drought tolerance in transgenic tropical maize (Zea mays L.) by heterologous expression of peroxiredoxin2 gene-XvPrx2

Transformation of a tropical maize inbred genotype (CML144) with the Xerophyta viscosa peroxiredoxin2 (XvPrx2) gene was reported. The protective role of peroxiredoxin2 against the damage resulting from reactive oxygen species (ROS) under dehydration stress was further determined. Successful integration of XvPrx2 gene into maize we achieved and recovered 10 independent transgenic events. Transformation and regeneration...

Author(s): Miccah S. Seth, Leta T. Bedada, Steven M. Runo, Mathew P. Ngugi, Revel Iyer, Jennifer A. Thomson, Emmarold E. Mneney and Richard O. Oduor

June 2016

Genetic diversity of stay-green sorghums and their derivatives revealed by microsatellites

The genetic variability of 28 sorghum genotypes of known senescence phenotype was investigated using 66 SSR markers well-distributed across the sorghum genome. The genotypes of a number of lines from breeding programmes for stay-green were also determined. This included lines selected phenotypically for stay-green and also RSG 03123, a marker-assisted backcross progeny of R16 (recurrent parent) and B35 (stay-green...

Author(s): Isaac K. A. Galyuon, R. Madhusudhana, Andrew K. Borrell, Tom C. Hash and Catherine J. Howarth

June 2016

Sapucaia nuts (Lecythis pisonis) modulate the hepatic inflammatory and antioxidant metabolism activity in rats fed high-fat diets

Lecythis pisonis Cambess is commonly known as “sapucaia” nut. Previous studies show that it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and in antioxidant minerals. The aim of the present study was to assess the antioxidant and anti-inflamatory effects of this nut after its introduction into a control (AIN-93G) or high-fat diet in Wistar rats. The animals were divided into four groups: a control diet, the same...

Author(s): Marcos Vidal Martins, Izabela Maria Montezano de Carvalho, Mônica Maria Magalhães Caetano, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Antônio Avelar Xavier and José Humberto de Queiroz