How to cite this article
KIHAL, M., Henni, J. E., Prevost, H., & Divies, V. (2006). A new manometric method for measuring carbon dioxide production by dairy starter culture: a case of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. African Journal of Biotechnology , 5(4), 378-383.
Chicago /
Mebrouk KIHAL, Jamal Eddine HENNI, H&erv&e PREVOST and CharlesDIVIÈS. "A new manometric method for measuring carbon dioxide production by dairy starter culture: a case of Leuconostoc mesenteroides." African Journal of Biotechnology 5, no. 4 (2006): 378-383.
Mebrouk KIHAL, et al. "A new manometric method for measuring carbon dioxide production by dairy starter culture: a case of Leuconostoc mesenteroides." African Journal of Biotechnology 5.4 (2006): 378-383.