How to cite this article
Mudasir, Z., Adil, S., & Edriss, A. I. (2016). Comparison between Giemsa and Van Geison stains in demonstration of collagen fibers (Kosti-2016). African Journal of Biotechnology , 15(37), 2063-2067.
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Ziyad Mudasir, Salma Adil and Ahmed Ibn Edriss. "Comparison between Giemsa and Van Geison stains in demonstration of collagen fibers (Kosti-2016)." African Journal of Biotechnology 15, no. 37 (2016): 2063-2067.
Ziyad Mudasir, Salma Adil and Ahmed Ibn Edriss. "Comparison between Giemsa and Van Geison stains in demonstration of collagen fibers (Kosti-2016)." African Journal of Biotechnology 15.37 (2016): 2063-2067.