January 2021
Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst. Ex A. Rich) and fermented Parkia biglobosa ((Jacq, R.B.R.) supplementation prevents high fat diet induced derangements in kidney of albino rats
Prevalence of obesity is on the increase globally with high fat diet (HFD) known to be the main contributing factor. This study was carried out to determine the actions of fermented Parkia biglobosa (Iru) and Sphenostyles stenocarpa (Otili) on the kidney of obese induced albino rats. The rats were grouped into a control group fed with normal rats chow and three different high fat diet groups (HFD1, HFD2, HFD3) mixed...
January 2021
Influence of the genetic polymorphism of haptoglobin in the occurrence of retinopathy and nephropathy in diabetics subjects
The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of haptoglobin (Hp) genotypes and their association with nephropathy and retinopathy in diabetic subjects. This is a case-control study conducted in diabetic subjects developing nephropathy and/or retinopathy. Each patient was matched to a control of the same sex and the same age ± 2 years. Hp genotyping was performed by conventional PCR without enzymatic...