Full Length Research Paper
This paper discusses the challenges facing the educational manager in the era of Covid-19, which has not only disrupted education activities but also depleted actors of their economic prowess. The paper further examines specific education challenges, including; Syllabi circumvention, remodeled education calendar, declining students’ morality, disengaged staff and students as they diverted in search of alternative survival modalities. Yet, whereas the status quo in terms of budgets and facilities has remained, the education manager is expected to refocus institutions’ visions using the ‘new normal’ strategies to repossess institutions’ glory. The authors argue that while Covid-19 has affected all sectors in varying magnitudes, the education sector specifically has been the most affected of all. Considering that, education leads to productive, peaceful, healthy, prosperous societies, as well as socio-economic development of a country, there is no doubt that the education manager is squarely accosted. Paradoxically, whereas the manager is expected to adopt the ‘new normal’ arrangements for the learning to continue, the enablers have remained ‘same old story’. The paper concludes that although some of the education institutions re-opened amidst the prevalence of the pandemic with limited budgets, this attempt was to mitigate the ‘pile-on effect’. Consequently, institutions should embrace online teaching and practice ‘cost cutting strategies’, to continue performing their expected responsibilities’ and deliver quality education in the ‘new normal’.
Key words: Covid-19, cybergogy, education manager, heutagogy, quality education.
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