Full Length Research Paper
This study, carried out in 2009-2010, aims to use imaging technology for wild goat inventory in the study area, because direct counts done by means of labor intensive techniques give high error rates. Camera traps and dome systems are used to investigate the replacement of direct counts done by authorized institutions, using manpower in vast and rough terrains for Capra aegagrus. In a total area of 555 hectares, of which 50 were for establishing dome and camera traps, the monitoring system recorded images in predefined hours (07.00 to 09.00; 17.00 to 19.00). These periods also coincide with the selected hours for point counts during periodical inventories for wild goat by the relevant official department. The group size of wild goat was determined as 18. 1, which was captured by the dome camera or camera traps. While dome camera system was not able to monitor the entire group, significant information on the number of the wild goats was via camera system. As a result, if used together, camera traps and dome camera system could contribute effectively to wildlife inventory work, providing 70% of the need for the inventory. The study has shown that it is possible to transfer load of manmade inventory to technology and to achieve much more economical inventories by eliminating the risks and disadvantages caused by human factor
Key words: Wild goat (Capra aegagrus), inventory, direct counts, camera traps, dome system
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