Full Length Research Paper
Orange flesh sweet potato (OFSP) is a globally important staple crop. Health benefits of OFSP are substantial, especially for nutrition-endangered populations. Compared to the Irish potato (IP), OFSP is a richer source of nutrients and fiber. In some parts of the world, OFSP is unfortunately regarded as a poor farmer’s crop. This negative reputation has resulted in reduced acceptance of OFSP by populations that could benefit greatly from it. One purpose of this paper is to promote acceptance of OFSP by demonstrating sensory preference of OFSP compared to IP. The second purpose is to recognize a global effort to develop food products using OFSP. Consumer taste tests were conducted to compare OFSP and IP cooked and prepared using common methods of mashing and cubing. Published journal articles that reported development of foods with OFSP as a primary ingredient were identified. Recipe developers must have used a rigorous technique of sensory analysis to test products. Consumers did not show a significant preference for the taste or appearance of mashed or cubed OFSP compared to IP. Researchers from 9 different countries have developed food products that included OFSP in 22 different categories over a 26-year period. OFSP has been successfully utilized in the development of many well-liked food products. Continuous education and exposure of future generations of scientists and consumers to the benefits of OFSP will result in broad-based acceptance.
Key words: Orange flesh sweet potato, Irish potato, sensory test, acceptance, product development.
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