African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: September 2014; 8(9)

September 2014

Beverage quality and biochemical attributes of arabusta coffee (C. arabica L. x C. canephora Pierre) and their parental genotypes

Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is known for the production of high quality beverage while Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) has been characterized as a neutral, weak flavored and occasionally with strong acid and pronounced bitterness. Viable and reasonably fertile interspecific hybrids can easily be obtained from crosses between the allotetraploid C. arabica L. and induced autotetraploid forms of C....

Author(s): J. M. Gimase, W. M. Thagana, D. T. Kirubi, E. K. Gichuru and C. W. Kathurima

September 2014

Homogenization of milk and its effect on sensory and physico-chemical properties of yoghurt

This study was designed to evaluate the chemical composition, sensory properties and microbial load of differently homogenized milk for yoghurt-making. Milk was homogenized with a hand whisker (HW), pressure sprayer (PS) and high-speed mixer (HM) while the control was not homogenized (NH) prior to yoghurt-making. Samples were stored in a refrigerator for 10 days at 4°C and thereafter examined for microbial counts...

Author(s): O. A. Olorunnisomo, T. O. Ososanya and O. Y. Adedeji

September 2014

Nutraceutical and health benefits of some vegetables eaten in Enugu State Nigeria

Little or nothing is known about the nutritional and medicinal values of some of the vegetables eaten in Enugu state of Nigeria. This study aimed to quantify the total antioxidants as phenols, total flavonoids, vitamin C content and reducing properties of six vegetables [Teltaria occidentals (ugu), Gnetum africanum (ukase), Piper quineense (uziza), Gongronema latifolium (utazi), Achyranthes spendens (awa), Occimum...

Author(s): Ogbuanu, C. C, Amujiogu, C. N., Obi, P. O. and Nsude, P. O.

September 2014

Effect of processing on the quality of flour, abacha slices and its flour derived from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) TMS 97/4779

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of processing methods on the quality of abacha slices. Abacha slices were produced from cassava (TMS 97/4779) roots by four different methods. The abacha processing methods investigated were of different peeling, boiling, slicing and soaking methods. Also, raw cassava flour, which was peeled, sliced and dried (PSD) was produced. The sensory properties and yield of abacha,...

Author(s): Ekwu, F. C.,   Ngoddy, P. O. and Uvere, P. O.