Full Length Research Paper
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease characterised by breakdown of cartilages in joints which may further alter the joint biomechanics such as the quadriceps (Q) angle. Patello-femoral joint biomechanics is influenced by the direction and magnitude of force exerted by quadriceps muscle which may impact on the foot biomechanics. This study sought to determine the relationship between foot arch index (FAI) and Q-angle among patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). A total of 58 adults with KOA from National orthopaedic hospital Enugu participated in this exploratory cross-sectional study. Their Q-angle, pain intensity (PI) and FAI were assessed using a goniometer, numerical pain rating scale and the Stahelis equation respectively. Data were analysed descriptively and inferentially using Pearson's correlation coefficient at α = 0.05. There was no significant relationship between right (r=0.066, p=0.624) and left (r=-0.171 , p=0.199) FAI with their ipsilateral Q-angle. Also, there was no significant relationship between right (r=0.19, p=0.15) and left (r=0.05 , p=0.76) knee pain PI with their ipsilateral Q-angle. However, there was a significant relationship between right foot PI and right Q-angle (r=0.41=, p=0.001), but no significant relationship between the left foot pain intensity and left Q-angle (r=0.41, p=0.76). Foot deformity may result to patella lateral rotation which increases q-angle and may possibly predispose the knee to osteoarthritis. It is recommended that evaluating q-angle and arch index may bring additional information for treating patients with knee osteoarthritis, thus physiotherapeutic assessment should be directed towards assessment of Q-angle.
KEY WORDS: Knee Osteoarthritis, Foot Arch Index, Quadriceps Angle, Foot pain, Knee pain,
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