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The frequent occurrence of disabilities in our communities and the near non-existence of Physiotherapists participation and other health care professionals in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programmes in the management of this mayhem to curb the increasing incidences is on the increase. There are limited studies on the attitudes and barriers to participation in Community Based Rehabilitation among Nigerian Physiotherapists. This study sought to determine the attitude and barriers to Community Based Rehabilitation among Physiotherapists in Enugu Metropolis. A cross-sectional survey of 53 Physiotherapists in Enugu Metropolis to determine their attitude and barriers to Community Based Rehabilitation using a close ended questionnaire adapted from previous studies on CBR. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square at α = 0.05. Majority of the participants were between 31-40years old (58.5%), male (64.2%), married (67.9%) had only first degree (75.5%), were Senior Physiotherapist (41.5%) with less than 5years work experience (41.5%). There was a significant association between level of education and CBR attitude regarding affordability of Physiotherapy/Rehabilitative services” (p = 0.003) as well as between designation and CBR attitude regarding accessibility to Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation services to those in rural areas (p = 0.017).The following variables "to increase accessibility to PT/Rehabilitation services to those in rural areas, to increase awareness of Physiotherapy Services, to increase affordability to PT/Rehabilitation Services and to decongest tertiary and secondary Health facilities", indicate a high need for CBR as higher number of the participants strongly agreed that the above attitudes variables are needed to improve the state of CBR in the country. There are so many observed barriers to the development of CBR in Nigeria, ranging from poor accessibility to the rural areas, inadequate infrastructure, poor remuneration of rural based therapist and incentives. There is a high relationship between the barriers and attitude to the growth of community based rehabilitation in Nigeria from the data obtained in the study. The younger physiotherapists and well-experienced ones have no interest in the community based rehabilitation, but the actively practicing physiotherapists within the age-range of 31-40 years are enthusiastic and are really interested in CBR programme.
Key words: Rehabilitation, Community, Physiotherapists.
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