Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to promote the wellbeing of a person within a system, thereby fostering productivity with its concomitant economic effects. Professional training may impacts differently on the knowledge, awareness and practice (KAP) of certain constructs like ergonomics. Engineers and healthcare professional (HCP) are deeply involved in the promotion of ergonomics. However it is not known who among these two professionals have a greater knowledge and practice of Ergonomics. This study therefore assessed and compared the level of KAP of Ergonomics between engineers and HCPs. This cross-sectional comparative study assessed the KAP of Engineers and HCPs in Academics. Their KAP of Ergonomics were assessed using a self structured and content validated questionnaire. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. A total of 75 participants (42 engineers and 33 HCPs) took part in this study. More HCPs (30.3%) than engineers (26.2%) correctly reported that ergonomics does not fit workers to their work, whereas more engineers (28.6%) than HCPs (21.2%) correctly reported that document in a computer workstation should not be placed flat on the table. Overall, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean ergonomics knowledge (61.22±28.80 vs 58.01±27.65%), awareness (64.88±29.89% vs 68.18±30.79%) and practice (45.53±22.23% vs 46.21±30.79%) between the two groups (engineers vs HCPs respectively). While the knowledge and awareness of ergonomics among engineers and HCPs in Nigeria are fair, its practice is poor and similar among them. There is need for increased exposure of these professionals to ergonomics during their training phases.
Key words: Ergonomics, Knowledge and Practice, Engineers, Healthcare Professionals