African Journal of
Health Sciences and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Health Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2805-4202
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHST
  • Start Year: 2019
  • Published Articles: 34

Table of Content: June 2019; 1(1)

June 2019

Histomorphometric Studies of Oral Contraceptives on the Ovaries of Adult Female Wistar Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)

Contraception is the intentional prevention of fertilization from taking place through various means. Histomorphometry is the study of microscopic organization and structure of a tissue especially by computer-assisted analysis of images formed by a microscope. The aim of the study was to check the effects of oral contraceptives on histomorphometrical parameters in adult female Wistar rats. Twenty-four (24) adult female...

Author(s): Obasi K. K., Oyewopo O. A., Adedeji B. and Lambe E.

  • Article Number: 415545867696

June 2019

Midwives Services Scheme: A Purposive Assessment of Performance in Enugu State, Nigeria

Ending preventable maternal and infant deaths can be achieved by improving access to skilled health professionals. This study examined and elicited the contributions of the intervention of Midwives Services Scheme (MSS) on maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) in participating rural primary health facilities in Enugu State of Nigeria, between 2009 and 2015 when the programme was properly funded. The study was...

Author(s): Ifeyinwa Arize, Chikezie Nwankwor, Michael Obetta, Ijeoma Okoronkwo

  • Article Number: 02A3C0067697

June 2019

Low Back Pain Among Practicing Radiographers in a Nigerian Population and their Coping Mechanisms

Low back pain (LBP) affects majority of the population but common among workers. It affects diagnostic radiographers mainly due to occupational physical activities and age. This study sought to determine the prevalence, risk factors and coping mechanisms among practicing radiographers in Enugu and Ebonyi States, Nigeria. Cross sectional survey was adopted using a structured questionnaire and the data analyzed using Chi...

Author(s): Okeji MC, Idigo FU, Anakwue AC, Nwogu UB, Agbo JA, Onwuzu SIW, Abonyi OE and Maduka BU

  • Article Number: 2FB8ADC67698

June 2019

Risks of Disability Among Adults Living with Musculoskeletal Pain in Enugu, Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Pain has remained one of the disabling conditions in humans. Several survey studies have emphasized the magnitude of pain as a public health issue, citing its negative impact on patients' functional status and quality of life. This study sought to ascertain the disability risks among adults with low back pain in Enugu State with respect to age, gender, marital status, Body Mass Index (BMI) and occupation. A standard...

Author(s):  Ezema CI, Ezugwu G, Uchenwoke CI, Egbo TP and Okpala BC

  • Article Number: 17BBC0267699

June 2019

Femoral Neck Shaft Angle in an Adult Population in Southeast Nigeria

The Neck Shaft Angle is an important morphological feature of the proximal femur. It plays an important role during walking. It is also an important parameter during the orthopaedic evaluation of the proximal femur especially when planning for total hip replacement. This angle has been found to vary among individuals of different race, ethnicity, age groups and gender. The aim of this study is to establish the normal...

Author(s): Angel-Mary C. ANAKWUE, Felicitas U. IDIGO, Uloma B. NWOGU, Beatrice U. MADUKA

  • Article Number: F48877067700

June 2019

Influence of Demographic and Academic Variables on Physical Fitness Level of Undergraduates in a Nigerian University

Physical inactivity and sedentariness are modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and a variety of chronic diseases; it is therefore pertinent to improve on one’s physical activity and encourage regular assessment of Physical Fitness Level (PFL) especially among young adults. The level of PF and the factors that influence them among Nigerian Undergraduates appear unknown. This study assessed the PFL and...

Author(s): Echezona N.D. Ekechukwu, Chinenye D. Oluka, Esther Obidike and Antoninus O. Ezeukwu

  • Article Number: 0E57D7C67701