‘Fufu’ is a starchy staple food usually made from fermented cassava mash. It is characterized by undesirable odour because of the compounds produced due to enzymatic activities of the microorganisms caused inherent objectionable odour, which are produced during fermentation. The actual odour-producing compounds were not characterized, but produced during of fermentation, and not acceptable to the consumer. The biomass of cassava roots is made up of microflora different microorganisms (i.e. bacteria and fungi). Each class was separated for odour-producing microorganism (s) to be identified in order to produce an odourless ‘fufu’. The eight ‘fufu’ (8) samples were coded as: OBP (Only Bacteria); YBP (Yeasts and Bacteria) OYP (Only Yeasts); WIG (Without Inoculum but Grated); WIS (Without Inoculum but Soaked); MBP (Moulds and Bacteria); YMP (Yeasts and Moulds) and OMP (Only Moulds) and were analyzed for proximate composition, antinutritional factors and mineral elements. The protein content of sample MBP had the highest value of 3.68 g/100 g followed by sample WIG with 2.07 g/100 g and sample WIS with the least value of 1.59 g/100 g. Sample WIS had the highest moisture content of 10.50 g/100 g and sample YMP had the least value of 3.25 g/100 g. The cyanide level of all the samples fermented with starter cultures was drastically reduced. The reduction varied from 71.25% to 91.37% of original content with WIS having the least (43.76%) value of cyanide reduction level. A significant reduction was also observed in anti-nutrients composition in all the samples. Sample WIS had the highest potassium content of 533.92% compared to the other samples, while the manganese (1.2 %) value was slightly above acceptable recommendable value.
Keywords: ‘Fufu’, Microorganisms, Processing operations, Nutrient Composition, Sensory qualities