How to cite this article
Terefe, M., Alemu, S. K., Olani, G., Debebe, A., Aklilu, S., & Berhanu, B. (2022). Genetic diversity in pepper (Capsicum annum L.) germplasms using SSR markers. African Journal of Plant Science, 16(7), 174-185.
Chicago /
Terefe Motbaynor, Alemu Sisay Kidane, Olani Gamachu, Debebe Abel, Aklilu Shimelis and Berhanu Biruktait. "Genetic diversity in pepper (Capsicum annum L.) germplasms using SSR markers." African Journal of Plant Science 16, no. 7 (2022): 174-185.
Terefe Motbaynor, et al. "Genetic diversity in pepper (Capsicum annum L.) germplasms using SSR markers." African Journal of Plant Science 16.7 (2022): 174-185.