Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 October, 2014; 9(20)

October 2014

The analysis of the thinking styles and creativity of the sports students studying in the different fields of university

This study analyzes the creativity and thinking levels of athletes studying at the different college departments; 61 female and 75 male athletes, a total of 136 ice-hockey players have participated in the research. As data collection tools, Thinking Styles Inventory and The Creativity Scale have been used in the study. SPSS 15.0 for Windows statistics analysis program has been used for the analysis of the collected...

Author(s): Meriç Eraslan

October 2014

The relationship between anxiety and attitude of students learning Turkish as a foreign language and their achievement on target language

The purpose of this study is to assess the anxiety connected with target language of the high school students learning Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, descriptive relational screening model was used. Two scales were used for collecting data. First scale was FLCAS - Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale; it was developed by Horwitz et al. and its validity and reliability was done by Horwitz. Alpha...

Author(s): Ali GÖÇER

October 2014

Mathematics teachers’ criteria of dimension

The aim of the study is to determine mathematics teachers’ decisions about dimensions of the geometric figures, criteria of dimension and consistency of decision-criteria. The research is a qualitative research and the model applied in the study is descriptive method on the basis of general scanning model. 15 mathematics teachers attended the research. Familiar geometric objects were given and asked to decide...

Author(s): Alattin Ural

October 2014

The relationship between gender and classroom environment in Turkish science classrooms

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of gender between actual and preferred classroom environment and use of technology in the science classroom of Turkish students.  Employing stratified random sampling procedures, data were collected from 985 students from schools across twelve different districts in Istanbul, Turkey.  The Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory...

Author(s): Anita G. Welch, Mustafa Cakir, Claudette M. Peterson and Christopher M. Ray

October 2014

Perspectives of Turkish intern and non-intern students towards sport management internship within the context of field experience

The purpose of this study was to examine differences between intern and non-intern students in terms of their perspectives on sport management internship within the context of field experience. The subjects of the study were a total of 189 students. They were 4th year students who completed their internship and 3rd year students who were yet to complete their internship course. Participants were sport management...

Author(s): DilÅŸad Çoknaz

October 2014

Perceived influence of parenting styles over irrational belief in romantic relations

  The aim of this study is to investigate if perceived parenting styles have any influence on irrational belief in romantic relations among university students. To determine the students’ irrational belief in romantic relations “Belief Inventory in Relations” by Kalkan and to determine their perception for parenting styles “Scale of Parent Dependence” by Tosun and Sümer are...

Author(s): Mehmet Emin SardoÄŸan

October 2014

The effect of recreational activities on self-esteem development of girls in adolescence

  This study aimed to investigate the effect of recreational activities on self-esteem development of girls in adolescence. For this purpose, a total of 20 girls in adolescence period took part in the present study. Recreational activities program included bowling, patenga, orienteering, basketball, volleyball, badminton, ping-pong, dance, fun athletics. This program lasted for 90 min a day, 2 days a week for...

Author(s): Betül BAYAZIT

October 2014

Status of educational performance of tribal students: a study in Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal

  Education is a very important factor of human resource development and management. After a long period of independence, our nation is yet to achieve desired level of education. This is  worst in tribal societies. Tribes are the primeval communities that constitute a considerable proportion of national population. Each of the tribal communities has its own cultural identity. But in general they are very...

Author(s): Abhisek Basu and Soumendu Chatterjee

October 2014

Development of synergistic climate scale: The reliability and validity of Turkish and Slovakian forms

The purpose of this research is to develop a Synergistic Climate Scale (SCS) that can be used in organizations. Firstly prepared with 20 items, the scale was examined by five experts for its content validity, readability and intelligibility. As a result, two items were added to the scale, after experts’ views. In the development of Turkish draft form of the scale in line with expert opinions, the form was employed...

Author(s): Ahmet KAYA

October 2014

The use of art activities in social studies classes

  The purpose of this research is to measure how effective the use of art activities is at achieving the goals of social studies program and to introduce a model practice that social studies teachers can follow. Accordingly, certain objectives were selected from among the main objectives of social studies program and the activities prepared for a 12-week period were carried out to achieve these objectives. The...

Author(s): Nadire Emel Akhan

October 2014

The effects of principals' loneliness in the workplace on their self-performance

The main purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of the loneliness status of principals' working at the schools in Aydin, Turkey to their individual performance. The partcipants included 286 principals, working in Aydin city center, district or villages. “Loneliness at Work Scale” (LAWS) and “Employee Performance Scale” (EPS) were used as data collection tools. According to the...

Author(s): Pınar YENGİN SARPKAYA

October 2014

Factors affecting recreation preferences and expectations of disabled adult learners

  Generalizing recreation services, one of the essential well-being sources of disabled persons who experience deprivation in many dimensions of life and which fulfill their learning needs, is a social responsibility. The present study aims to determine factors effective on recreation preferences and expectations of the disabled individuals who utilize from the recreation services offered by the Ankara...

Author(s): Sibel Arslan

October 2014

Teacher trainers’ and trainees’ perceptions, practices, and constraints to active learning methods: The case of English Department in Bahir Dar University

This study is on teacher trainers and teacher trainees’ perceptions and practices of active learning and the constraints to implementing them in the English Department of Bahir Dar University. A mixed study approach that involves a quantitative self administered questionnaire, a semi-structured lesson observation guide, and qualitative in depth interviews was used to obtain relevant data. Information on...

Author(s): Berhanu Engidaw

October 2014

The effect of supporting questions on children’s emerging writing skills

This study investigated the effect of supporting questions for the emergence of children’s writing skills. For this study, five year-old children in a classroom were observed face-to-face in two implementations. This study used a coding system related to emerging writing skills and supporting questions that were intended to support the emergence of the children’s writing skills. Writing samples were...

Author(s): Neslihan Bay

October 2014

The integration of technology and aesthetics when student teachers undertake blended learning in adolescent psychology: An interdisciplinary approach

To have an understanding of aesthetics and technology in blended learning, student teachers’ descriptions of their learning experiences were interpreted using action research. The reported ‘impact on progress and achievement’ provides insight into what is unique about the integration of aesthetics and technology and how it can link theory and practice, as well as promote self-awareness and reflection....

Author(s): Yu-Ling Liu

October 2014

Conception of controversial issues among social studies teacher candidates

The purpose of this study is to examine the definitional state of social studies teacher candidates regarding the concept of controversial issues and to determine whether a course on it would be beneficial to correct any misunderstandings. The study has been conducted in university in Southwestern Turkey. The study is designed as an experimental research. Participants of the study were 40 social studies teacher...

Author(s): Muhammet AVAROÄžULLARI

October 2014

Trait anxiety levels of university students studying at sports departments

The purpose of this study is to examine the trait anxiety levels of freshmen and seniors studying sports at different departments of Ondokuz Mayıs University Yaşar Doğu Faculty of Sports Sciences. A total of 270 freshmen and senior students studying at Physical Education Teaching, Coaching Education and Sport Management departments participated in the study. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used as the data...

Author(s): Özgür Bostancı

October 2014

Comparison of frequencies of the notes between the ranges of B3 to D5 with human voice: A software design approach in MATLAB and its availability in music skill tests

In this study, a program was developed that allows one to listen to sounds existing in computer, with the algorithms based on signal processing logic which is available via Fourier Transform in MATLAB program. The heard sound is recorded when it is repeated by human voice, and its frequency is compared to the frequencies of existing sounds in the computer to obtain measurement results. The first version of the program...

Author(s): Ali AYHAN

October 2014

Teacher - student relatıonshıps across teachıng careers of Turkısh EFL teachers

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teachers’ professional experience and students’ perceptions of their relationships with teachers. It also investigates the influence of these perceptions of students toward the course and the teacher. Fourteen high school teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) and 436 students participated in the study. Teachers had a professional...

Author(s): Åžahin ÇETÄ°N, Hasanbey ELLÄ°DOKUZOÄžLU and  Soner DOÄžAN

October 2014

Developing attitude towards cultural heritage scale: A validity and reliability study

This study aimed at developing a scale for determining the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards cultural heritage. The study group consisted of 378 pre-service teachers attending the department of social sciences teaching at Adnan Menderes University, Kastamonu University, and UÅŸak University. It was found that the correlation coefficients obtained in item-factor total and adjusted correlations of the scale were...

Author(s): Bülent Akbaba

October 2014

The effect of school type on intimidation (mobbing) experienced by teachers in schools: A meta-analysis

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect sizes of teachers’ perception and opinions about intimidation (Mobbing) experienced by teachers in schools in accordance with school type (public and private schools). 11 studies deemed meeting the inclusion criteria were chosen from 42 MA and PhD theses and dissertations in YOK National Thesis Archive about intimidation experienced by teachers in schools in...

Author(s): Tufan Aytaç

October 2014

Determining the effects of using different writing activities on the academic achievements secondary school 7th grade students and their attitudes towards the course

The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of using writing activities with different learning purposes by the secondary school 7th grade students on their academic achievement and attitudes towards the course.  The study was carried out in a secondary school located in the centre of Erzurum in 2012-2013 academic year; the study is a quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design. 97 students from 3...

Author(s): Mustafa UZOÄžLU

October 2014

EFL classroom assessment: Teachers' practice and teaching techniques adjustment in Ethiopia

The study investigated the practice of classroom assessment in adjusting English language teachers’ teaching techniques. It specifically examined the classroom assessment techniques teachers employed in the classroom, for what purpose they used, the kinds of feedbacks they obtained while they assess their students using different classroom assessment techniques, and whether they used the feedbacks to adjust their...

Author(s): Geberew Tulu Mekonnen

October 2014

The university students' time management skills in terms of their academic life satisfaction and academic achievement levels

The purpose of this present research is examining the correlations between university students' time management skills and their academic life satisfaction and academic achievement levels. In addition, the present research tests whether there are significant differences between university students' time management skills and academic life satisfaction levels in terms of age groups, gender, departments and...

Author(s): Mehmet Dalli

October 2014

Identification of inclusive education classroom teachers’ views and needs regarding ın-service training on special education in Turkey

The aim of the study is to identify the views and needs of classroom teachers providing inclusive education in Turkey regarding in-service training on special education. Research was conducted in Bolu Province of Turkey with 222 teachers. Identification Tool for Teachers’ In-Service Training Needs (ITTIST) developed for the current study was used in this research. Reliability and validity studies for ITTIST were...

Author(s): Elif SAZAK PINAR