Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: April 2023; 18(4)

April 2023

Cognizance of collective bargaining and its benefits in relation to teacher’s welfare and working condition in public secondary schools in Delta State

The study focus mainly on the cognizance of collective bargaining and its benefits in relation to teacher’s welfare and working condition in public secondary school in Delta State, Nigeria. Two research questions were asked and answered in regard to the extent of awareness of Delta State public secondary school teachers of the principle of collective bargaining and the benefits of collective bargaining in public...

Author(s): Patience Okoro

April 2023

An analysis of student decision making for educational recommender systems

Recommender systems in education aim to help students make good decisions about the direction of their learning. The design of such systems in conventional research has treated the decision making process of students as a black box and assumes the best recommendations to be those that accurately predict student choices. Such an approach overlooks potentially valuable use cases for supporting optimal decision making,...

Author(s): Robert Wesley Songer and Tomohito Yamamoto

April 2023

A conceptual research of college students’ boredom, learning attitude, academic achievement, and behavior

Boredom is a topic worth studying, especially the impact of boredom on college students' study is worthy of further study. This research explained the related concepts of boredom firstly. According to the research content of previous researchers, boredom was divided into external influences and internal influences. The researcher also combined the 4 variables of boredom and college students' learning attitude,...

Author(s): Zhengyan Guo and Yuan-Cheng Chang