Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2007

Table of Content: February 2007; 2(2)

February 2007

Developing Functional Literate Citizens In South Western Nigeria

  This paper examines strategies of developing functional literate citizens in Western Nigeria because it is believed that the problems of unemployment in the area are caused by the non-functional literacy programmes that have been on for long.  The aim of the study is to promote the teaching of functional literacy to adults and those who are out of the formal school system so that they can...

Author(s): Clement Olusegun Olaniran Kolawole and Tunji A. Adepoju

February 2007

Prior Presentation of Behavioural Objectives and Students’ Achievement in Biology

  This study investigated the effect of providing students with the objectives of a lesson before the lesson delivery on their achievement at the end of the lesson. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-control group design was used, with a total of 4 groups. All four groups were taught the same lessons using the same materials and methods. Three of the...

Author(s): Umoren G and Aniashi Sylvester Ogong

February 2007

Effectiveness of Early Childhood Education Programme in Preparing Pre-school Children in their Social-Emotional Competencies at the Entry to Primary One

  The foundation of an individual’s optimum or less than optimum development is laid down during the early years of life, particularly during the age between birth and six years.  This age covers pre-school education.  This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of Early Childhood Education programme in preparing Pre-school children in their social-emotional competencies at primary...

Author(s): Mary W. Kariuki, Micah C. Chepchieng, Stephen N. Mbugua and Owen N. Ngumi