Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: January 2008; 3(1)

January 2008

Addressing urban high-poverty school teacher attrition by addressing urban high-poverty school teacher retention: why effective teachers persevere

Recruiting and retaining quality teachers specific for high-poverty schools in urban areas is a national concern, especially in light of the “No Child Left Behind” federal legislation. The educational realities, detrimental effects of poverty, and human despair that often depress low-income communities can prove to be quite overpowering for many teachers new to the profession and significantly contribute to...

Author(s): Sueanne E. McKinney, Robert Q. Berry, Daniel L. Dickerson and Gloria Campbell-Whately

January 2008

Using new technologies in creating excitement in biology laboratory activities

The rapid growth of biological knowledge is placing it prominence among the sciences. For this reason, biologists are realizing that their responsibilities have changed, as new technological devices are redefining biology. With new trend in information technologies, the biology teacher has to ensure that s/he is current in the content matter, method and technological devices. How sure and ready is the Nigerian secondary...

Author(s): Nkadi Onyegegbu

January 2008

Concurrent high school-university studies as a route to higher education

  This research examined a program of concurrent high school-university studies aimed at promoting students living in underprivileged areas to continue on to higher education. High school students attended university once a week for learning enrichment or participating in full academic courses. Data were collected through interviews and documented meetings with students and their parents, university lecturers,...

Author(s): Moshe Barak

January 2008

Developing a knowledge exchange tool for school-based health policies and programs

  Youth smoking and physical inactivity are significant public health issues, with implications for both health and education stakeholders, as school-based policies and programs have the potential to reach a broad population of youth to address these issues. Knowledge exchange tools designed around comprehensive school-level data collection systems allow for dissemination of evidence into such policies and...

Author(s): Lynn Planinac, Scott T. Leatherdale, Steve R. Manske and Meghan Arbour

January 2008

Interaction and survival analysis of graduation data

  This is the second in a series of articles describing ongoing research that involves studying engineering college student graduation using Cox proportional hazards models. The first article, called "Proportional hazards models of graduation," was based on main effects models of graduation controlling for descriptors such as in-state residence, hometown population, and student major. This second...

Author(s): Justin R. Chimka and Lauren Holloway Lowe

January 2008

Effects of competitive and cooperative learning strategies on academic performance of Nigerian students in mathematics

  This study investigated the effects of the cooperative and competitive learning on academic performance of students in mathematics in order to find out which one of them is the more effective learning strategy. The sample of the study was 400 Senior Secondary Schools III, Mathematics students made up of 240 boys and 160 girls randomly selected from four out of five States in South West Nigeria. Quasi...

Author(s): E. B. Kolawole

January 2008

Examining US college students’ attitudes towards science: Learning from non-science majors

  This study examined college students’ attitudes towards science in a course designed with Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities (SENCER) ideals. SENCER uses socially engaging issues to teach basic science to non-science majors.  A combination of methods was used to measure changes in attitudes (confidence and interest) and scientific literacy after completing this SENCER...

Author(s): Melissa Cook, and Thalia M. Mulvihill

January 2008

The crisis of student discipline in Botswana schools: an impact of culturally conflicting disciplinary strategies

  Although student discipline had existed since the beginning of mankind, the disciplinary methods employed have changed over the years, giving rise to culturally irrelevant disciplinary strategies. This study explored teachers’ views about approaches to discipline experienced in Botswana schools in terms of policy and practice. In particular, the study sought for information on teachers’ day-to-day...

Author(s): K. G. Garegae