Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: March 2007; 2(3)

January 2007

Gender issue in the Performance of Students Admitted through UME and Pre-degree into the Nigerian Universities

  This study examined the gander issue in the performance of students admitted through UME and pre-degree into the Nigerian Universities. Ex-post facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of two hundred and fifty students from the faculties of Science in the Nigerian Universities. Purposive, stratified and proportional sampling techniques...

Author(s): M.S. Omirin

March 2007

How Teachers Develop Their Professional Knowledge in English Study Group in Taiwan

  The purpose of this qualitative research was to understand the perceptions of Taiwanese teachers of the effects of a study group on their professional growth in the workplace. This case study employed the following data collection techniques: (1) informal observations and interviews, (2) focus group interview, (3) semi-structured individual interviews and (4) documents and records. The site selected for this...

Author(s): Yi-Ching Huang

March 2007

Gender issue in the Performance of Students Admitted through UME and Pre-degree into the Nigerian Universities

  This study examined the gander issue in the performance of students admitted through UME and pre-degree into the Nigerian Universities. Ex-post facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of two hundred and fifty students from the faculties of Science in the Nigerian Universities. Purposive, stratified and proportional sampling techniques...

Author(s): M.S. Omirin