Literature is an imaginative work of art conveyed through the medium of language. It is a medium of reflecting the contemporary issues of the society—be it class struggle, leadership problems, matters of security or issues on national development. In fact, literature serves as a mirror of society or a channel through which the social, political, cultural and economic issues that ravage a given society are explored. This means that there is a correlation between art and life; hence, literature deals with people and their experiences in a given milieu. This paper, therefore, concerns itself with the contributions of literary artists to the lives and experiences of people in the Nigerian society, especially on matters of national security and development. This is because the literary artist is seen as a committed person who uses his work to advocate for an egalitarian society, satirise the evils of corruption, exploitation and oppression; and push the proletariats into a struggle towards liberation from all the forces that undermine their existence. The paper will make specific emphasis on Festus Iyayi’s Violence, a Marxist oriented novel that advocates force against all the forms of exploitation, deprivation and unpatriotism in our society.
Key words: Art, life, propaganda, poverty, corruption, exploitation, inequality, infidelity, injustice, violence.
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