Bengali language being very resourceful with forty-nine letters allows its speakers utmost flexibility to diphthongize and to form many types of consonant cluster in accordance with the demand of spelling and meaning. Remarkably enough, Bengali has more sounds than needed to facilitate any English sounds without making any distortions to them. But, in fact, there are very many pronunciation varieties people are used to pronouncing Bengali words: most sounds they may bring into their English often can be variably1 attributed to their own regional dialects rather than the standard Cholita Bhasha2. However, apart from the local dialects, Cholita Bhasha speakers are likely to make distortions in the production of certain English sounds, but incontestably not in too many. This paper looks into the similarities and dissimilarities between English and Bengali at segmental and supra-segmental level and attempts to pinpoint the influences behind these distortions to rectify learners' errors in it.
Keywords: Cholita Bhasha; segmental; supra-segmental; consonant clusters