Full Length Research Paper
Midwives services scheme was implemented as an intervention program to mitigate maternal and child health care related challenges especially in the rural areas of Nigeria. This study was carried out to explore stakeholders’ perception of the scheme with a focus on perceived facilitators and barriers to its objective. Interviews conducted among health care workers were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, coded, and analyzed using Nvivo software version 11 through thematic approach. Most participants opined that the scheme had the potential to minimize the challenges facing maternal and child health care in Nigeria and similar other settings. However, the most cited constraint, among others, was poor funding of the scheme. It is suggested that the scheme be re-packaged and re-launched in the efforts to address poor maternal and child health indices in the country.
Key words: Health care facilities, health policy, maternal and child health, midwives services scheme, rural communities.
CCT, Conditional cash transfer; CDC, community development committees; CNO, chief nursing officer; LMIC, low and middle-income countries; MoH, medical officer of health; MSS, midwifery service scheme; PHC, primary health care; SSA, sub-Saharan Africa; SURE-P MCH, Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Program of the maternal and child health care; VHW, village health worker; WHO, World Health Organization.
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