Unintended pregnancies, pregnancies that occur within short intervals as well as unsafe abortion could be avoided by using contraceptives. Therefore: Knowledge, attitude and utilization of emergency contraceptives among unmarried women are of supreme importance because of high rates of unintended sexual intercourse leading to unwanted pregnancies as well as unsafe abortion. To assess knowledge, attitude and utilization of emergency contraception among unmarried women of reproductive age, January, 2018. A cross-sectional community based household survey was conducted among 965 unmarried women of reproductive age chosen by systematic random sampling at Arsi zone. Collected data using pre-tested structured questionnaire were analyzed by binary logistic regression by Epi Info version 5.3.1 and exported to SPSS version 21 statistical software and analysis were performed. Descriptive statistics was used and results were present with text and frequency tables . Both bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis was carried out. At bivariable analysis variables that showed significant association at a p-value of less than 0.20 was entered into multivariable analysis. The association was also presented using odds ratios and 95% confidence levels. P-value of < 0.05 is used to declare the significance of association between variables. From the total respondent participated in the study (n=965), 373 (38.7 %) of the total unmarried women participated in the study had awareness about of emergency contraception. Of these, 355 (95.2%) of those ever heard of emergency contraception mentioned oral pills only and the reminder 18(4.8%) mentioned oral pill and intra uterine device as a method of emergency contraception. About 61.8% of those ever heard of emergency contraception had positive attitude towards making emergency contraception available to all women who need it, but only 11.2% of sexually experienced respondent reported that they had used emergency contraception previously. Age, educational status, occupation, having experience of sexual intercourse and having discussion on reproductive health are significantly associated with awareness of emergency contraception (p < 0.001). The study has shown that there is high level of knowledge and but low utilization of emergency contraceptives among unmarried women. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize on increasing awareness and accessibly as an option with other contraceptive method to all unmarried women in the study area
Keywords: utilization,Emergency contraception,Ethiopia, Unmarried women