Aromatherapy is the use of controlled plant essence for therapeutic purposes. Its applications are many such as welfare, childbirth, infection, dementia, and anxiety treatments, but often they have not been scientifically validated. Psychological challenges such as anxiety can contribute to women's pain perception and can also affect labor and their birth experience. Lavender aromatherapy with a steam engine makes mothers feel relaxed, changing their good moods dan calm.Aim: To investigated the effects of Lavender Aromatherapy Oil among primigravida mothers on anxiety and pain severity. This quasi-experimental study was conducted at the Public Health Center in Cirebon District, Indonesia between July 20 And August 25, 2019 and involved 60 patients. Data were collected through, validated instruments; Visual Analog Scale (Anxiety) and FACES Pain Rating Scale (Pain). All results are recorded after participants register, during the active and the next meeting before returning. The effect of demographics variables on differences in anxiety and pain was investigated. This study follows the TREND checklist for non-randomized controlled trials. Using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, all post intervention scores were significantly higher that pre intervention scores. Anxiety scores increased from before labour mean of 1.77 (SD .68) and level of pain increased from 2.40 (SD 1.22). The posttest level of anxiety level was 1.40 (SD 22.50) and the pretest pain result of 2.07 (SD 167.50) was the intervention group.. Comparison between the level of anxiety and pain after used aromatherapy with asymp. sig is 0.002> 0.005 H0 is not accepted, it means there is significant between anxiety level and pain. The application of lavender aromatherapy given to patients in the intervention group has a positive impact on reducing anxiety and pain during labor. Midwives can use this form of intervention into routine practice to prepare for labor and help patients manage their symptoms .
Keywords: Lavender Aromatherapy Oil, Anxiety and Pain Level, Primigravida Maternal labour