In Sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia continued high fertility level along with declining mortality rates have resulted in a wide gap between birth and death rates and subsequently result in high annual population growth rate. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Methods are Family Planning methods providing pregnancy protection for more than three years .Wider access and use of long acting contraceptives are the most effective contraceptives available to contribute to reduction of high levels of population growth and maternal mortality and morbidity. Yet, utilization of long acting contraceptives in Ethiopian is recorded to be low. Objective: To assess utilization of long acting reversible contraceptive methods & associated factors among married women of reproductive age group, in District Towns, Bale zone, Oromia regional state, South East Ethiopia, 2018. Methodology:-A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Bale Zone district towns from January to April, 2018 by using multistage sampling technique with sample size of 534. A pre-tested and structured questionnaire was used to collect the data & Data was entered in to EPi Data version 3.1 & Cross cheked, cleaned & stasticalcal Analysis were done using SPSS version 16.0. Descriptive statistics was done to determine percentage and frequency distribution of respondants Bivarate and multivarite logistic regression analysis were done to identify factors affecting utilization of LARCMs. Strength of association was measured using odds ratio and 95% CI. Statistical significance was declared at p value <0.05. Result:-Current utilization of LARCMs among married women of reproductive age was found to be 17.2%, Implant (72.8%) & IUCD (27.2%). Multivarate analysis showed that study participants who had a supportive attitude toward LARC were more likely to use the method, (AOR=5.87,95% CI= (2.48,13.91). Study participants who had no formal education were less likely utilized LARCMs (AOR=0.04,95% CI =(0.01,0.16), And study participants who had high knowledge about LARC were about five times more likely utilized as compaired to those who had low knowledge (AOR = 5.29,95%CI= (1.93,14.54), P-value = 0.001). Conclussion and Recommendation:-Despite its effectiveness, current LARCs utilization is low. Main factors identified to affect use of LARC method were Educational status, level of knowledge and attitude towards LARCMs. Designing apprporate IEC & BCC Intervention, Encourage womens Education & reduce barriers to LARC utilization at the community level in the District towns. Key word:-LARCs Utilization & Factors, Bale Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Keywords: LARCs Utilization & Factors, Bale Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia.