Full Length Research Paper
It is customarily challenging and fruitless to prevent young adults and teens from drug experimentation. Yet, the onset of marijuana or cannabis use by school-age young adults and teens could be delayed with holistic interventions that aim at involving stakeholders (that is schools, families, agencies, media, etc.). The objective of this review was to sum-up continental comparative data on the prevalence of cannabis or marijuana use among young adults. Although continental studies on the prevalence, causes, effects, and preventions of marijuana use are limited, there is evidence to suggest that marijuana use is still on the rise among young people globally, especially in Africa, Europe, and America. False gratification such as, its harmless effects, its ability to aid performance, and its ability to protect one against superstitious forces are factors among others that lead adolescents to its experimentation.
Key words: Adolescents, marijuana, cannabis, prevalence.
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