International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 4 April; 6(7)

April 2011

Fatigue failure fault prediction of truck rear axle housing excited by random road roughness

  A premature fatigue failure that occurred prior to the expected load cycles during the vertical fatigue tests of a truck rear axle housing prototype was studied. A seven degree of freedom dynamic model of truck was presented and vibrating equations on automobile as a whole was also built based on the model. Random road roughness data in time history that is generated by random phase method were applied to...

Author(s): Meng Qinghua, Zheng Huifeng and Lv Fengjun

April 2011

Effect of size and stacking of glass fibers on the mechanical properties of the fiber-reinforced-mortars (FRMs)

  In modern day construction practice, repair and rehabilitation of structures have taken a prominent role. Indeed, the recent trend of rehabilitating and strengthening unreinforced masonry reinforced with glass fibers.  In this paper, the use of fiber-reinforced-mortars (FRMs) is proposed for construction rehabilitation and reconstruction applications. A single type of fiber (glass fiber) with different...

Author(s): Saidi M., Safi B., Benmounah A. and Aribi C.

April 2011

Simulation comparison of the dispersion behaviour of dry sand subjected to explosion

  This research simulated the dispersion behavior of sand subjected to explosion on the surface of a sand layer. The simulation was conducted using AUTODYN. Explosion effects from an explosive were achieved by using the computer program, Conventional Weapon Effects Backfill (CONWEB), which was based on field data compiled by the U.S. Army (US Army, 1986). Three different governing equations were used for air,...

Author(s): Hamed Niroumand and Khairul Anuar Kassim

April 2011

Effect of mineral admixtures on properties of lightweight pumice concrete

  In this study 25 different types of concrete have been produced. Pumice used as an aggregate and 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% fly ash and each fly ash ratio has  0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% silica fume was added to replace cement. The physical and mechanical properties of concrete have been investigated. This study shows that, according to the rates of substitution compressive strength has very different...

Author(s): Ahmet BeycioÄŸlu, Celalettin BaÅŸyiÄŸit, Åžemsettin Kilinçarslan and Ayhan Åžamandar

April 2011

Internal relative humidity distribution in concrete considering self-desiccation at early ages

  The internal relative humidity (RH) and humidity gradients in concrete at early ages have significant influence upon the properties of concrete, where exists, great discrepancy among the test results under different methods. By comparing and analyzing the common measuring methods of the RH in concrete, a newly developed measuring method will be introduced in this study, which could measure the internal RH in...

Author(s): Jikai Zhou, Xudong Chen, Jian Zhang and Yan Wang

April 2011

Implication of gravity drainage plan on shallow rising groundwater conditions in parts of ArRiyadh City, Saudi Arabia

  The population increase and stride development in ArRiyadh city has triggered water consumption exponentially. Excessive utilization of water for domestic and city services has increased infiltration which in turn has led to water level rise in various parts of the city. Keeping in view, damage to man and environments, various drainage schemes were constructed with the objective to check continuous water...

Author(s): Abdulaziz A. Al-Othman

April 2011

Flexural strengthening of steel I-beams by using CFRP strips

  This paper presents the experimental and numerical studies on the carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) flexural strengthened steel I-beams. Eight steel beams were carefully chosen with the same length and different types and thicknesses of CFRP plates. Both experimental test and numerical simulation were employed. In the experimental test, the gradual static loading in four-points bending method was...

Author(s): Kambiz Narmashiri, N. H. Ramli Sulong and Mohd Zamin Jumaat

April 2011

Solution of free non-linear vibration of beams

  In this paper, we have considered the nonlinear governing equation of tapered beams, attempt has been made to analyze the nonlinear behavior of tapered beams analytically. The nonlinear governing equation is solved by employing the variational approach method (VAM) and Improved Amplitude-Formulation (IAFF). Despite the increasing expenses of building structures to maintain their linear behavior, nonlinearity...

Author(s): M. Shahidi, M. Bayat, I. Pakar and G. R. Abdollahzadeh  

April 2011

One-dimensional finite difference approach for sedimentation process in sand filled reservoirs

  There have been continuing efforts to decrease silt deposits due to interstitial blockage in sand-filled reservoirs. However, estimating weir height to allow for deposition of required grain sizes is difficult. This paper presents a numerical process-imitating model aimed at improving water storage potential in sand filled reservoirs. The technique uses a finite difference (FD) numerical model to numerically...

Author(s): Olufisayo A. Olufayo, George M. Ochieng, Julius M. Ndambuki and Frederick A. O. Otieno

April 2011

Comparison of artificial intelligence strategies for UPFC supplementary controller design

  This paper presents the application of UPFC to enhance damping of Low Frequency Oscillations at a Single-Machine Infinite-Bus (SMIB) power system installed with UPFC. Since UPFC is considered to mitigate Low Frequency Oscillations (LFO), therefore a supplementary stabilizer controller based UPFC like power system stabilizer is designed to reach the defined purpose. Artificial intelligence methods such as...

Author(s): Shoorangiz Shams Shamsabad Farahani, Reza Hemmati, Mehdi Nikzad and Omid Isanejad

April 2011

Deterioration analysis of aluminum electrolytic capacitor for DC-DC converter

  Aluminum electrolytic capacitor is one of the key components that restrict the life of DC-DC converter. Studying its deterioration analysis has advanced to realizing the prognostics and health management (PHM) technology of DC-DC converter. The main deterioration modes of aluminum electrolytic capacitor include the capacitance decrease and the equivalent series resistance (ESR) increases. These cause the...

Author(s): Lifeng Wu, Yong Guan, Yinyu Du, Shihong Zhou and Wei Pan

April 2011

Real-time algorithmic design for silent pass lip reading authentication system

  This paper proposes a new block-matching motion estimation algorithm for a lip reading user authentication system. The method described in this paper represents a sub-system of the Silent Pass project. Silent Pass is a lip reading password entry system and person authentication project for security applications. The aim is to provide a complete solution for secured access to ATMs and internet...

Author(s): Khaled Alghathbar,

April 2011

Experimental analysis of tropospheric scintillation in Northern Equatorial West Malaysia

  This paper compares predicted monthly scintillation means of nine scintillation prediction models to the monthly mean of the empirical data collected from the beacon receiver located at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Tropospheric scintillation is a phenomenon where a rapid fluctuation of signal happens due to the turbulence at the atmosphere. The tropospheric scintillation models which use to compare to the...

Author(s): J. S. Mandeep

April 2011

An improved 2PL-HP based concurrency control algorithm in real time database

  In the real time database management systems the mechanism of concurrency control 2PL-high priority, by applying a sacrificing approach of the low-priority transaction during the competition with high priority transaction, not only waste the resources of the system but also decrease the system efficiency due to the increase of the transaction failure because of miss deadline. The survey is focusing on the...

Author(s): Saeed Bahrami, Mohamadreza Shahrokhzadeh and Seyyed Mohsen Mirhoseini

April 2011

Effect of addition of Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) shell in incense material on mitigating air pollutants

  Particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions of burning incense have been investigated on the quality of surrounding air. However, thereduction of PM and PAHs from burning incense has received little attention. In the present study, two types of incense were made in the laboratory. Five to thirty percent of Asiatic Clam Shell (ACS) was added to Liao...

Author(s): Chi-Ru Yang Yen-Shun Peng, Yih-Feng Chang and Sun-Zone Lee

April 2011

Link aware call admission and packet scheduling for best effort and UGS traffics in mobile WiMAX

  Call admission control and packet scheduling are two important issues that are considered in ensuring quality of service (QoS) requirement in a wireless network. Due to robust wireless channel and heterogeneous behavior of traffics, there is a need to consider QoS parameters in admitting and scheduling packets in wireless network such as WiMAX. To ensure quality of service requirements are achieved, a...

Author(s): D. S. Shu’aibu and S. K. Syed Yusof

April 2011

Some numerical methods for solving Burgers equation

  In this paper, we construct and suggest some new, efficient, and accurate numerical algorithms based on the spectral methods for solving the Burgers’ equation. Spectral methods using Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials are developed. Test problems are used to validate these methods that are found to be accurate and efficient. Also, the results show that despite the fact that Chebyshev...

Author(s): A. K. Khalifa, Khalida Inayat Noor and Muhammad Aslam Noor,

April 2011

Discrimination between oil spill and look-alike using fractal dimension algorithm from RADARSAT-1 SAR and AIRSAR/POLSAR data

  This work utilizes a modification of the formula of the fractal box counting dimension in which a convoluted line of slick embedded in SAR data was divided into small boxes. The method is based on the utilization of the probability distribution formula in the fractal box count. The purpose of this method is to use it for the discrimination of oil spill areas from the surrounding features, for example,...

Author(s): Maged Marghany and Mazlan Hashim

April 2011

The dynamics of slopes affected by avalanches in Piatra Craiului Massif – Southern Carpathians

  This paper aims to present the results of a complex analysis of the morphodynamics of slopes affected by avalanches in Piatra Craiului Massif. The study of avalanches is a current issue of dynamic geomorphology and very little is discussed in the Romanian geographical literature. Although the presence of avalanches has been reported in the Carpathian area for centuries, geomorphological analyses...

Author(s): Anca Munteanu, Alexandru Nedelea, Laura Comanescu and Catalina Gheorghe

April 2011

Geomorphology and climate conditions that determine sedimentation in Mamaia bay

  The beach evolving in the Mamaia sea area represents a recent geological deposit, which was built mainly from the contribution of north-south oriented long shore terrigenous sediments, but also from biogenic sediments, which have been transported towards the beach, mostly through the shore transverse transport (onshore-offshore). Between 1977 and 1987, several project proposals for the protection of the...

Author(s): Marian Marin, Adrian TiÅŸcovschi, Gabriela Manea and Danut Diaconeasa

April 2011

Climate change impacts: Prioritizing mechanism and needs for future Malaysian agriculture

  This paper empirically explored climate change, its related impact on rice agriculture and proper policy- related strategies and mechanism. Our current assessment provided the expected climate change impact based on observational records of inter-annual variability in precipitation and warming climatic factors up to the year 2080. In this study, an analysis of the impact due to climate change and...

Author(s): Abul Quasem Al-Amin, Walter Leal Filho, M. A. Kabir, Mohammad Nurul Azam, Abdul Hamid Jaafar and Fatimah Kari

April 2011

Symmetry reductions and computational dynamics of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion problem with variable thermal conductivity

  In this paper, the nonlinear model for the reaction-diffusion problem with variable thermal conductivity is investigated. It is assumed that the model source term is an arbitrary function of temperature. Classical symmetry is employed to analyze all forms of the source term for which the governing equation admits extra point symmetries. A number of symmetries are obtained and some reductions are performed....

Author(s): O. D.  Makinde and R. J. Moitsheki

April 2011

A semantic role-based methodology for knowledge acquisition from Spanish documents

  The Semantic Web vision grounds on providing the current Web with structural knowledge that can be understandable by the machines without the intervention of human beings. Given that ontologies are a backbone technology for the Semantic Web, different mechanisms and methodologies for designing and building ontologies have been proposed. The need for overcoming the bottleneck provoked by the manual...

Author(s): José Luis Ochoa, Maria Luisa Hernández-Alcaraz, Rafael Valencia-García and Rodrigo Martínez-Béjar

April 2011

New activation functions for complex-valued neural network

  This paper presents a new types of complex-valued sigmoid function for a fully multi-layered complex-valued neural network (CVNN). By using the concept of the subordination between analytic functions in open disc, we able to study the reducibility of CVNN. A real-world problem example has been used as a classifier. The simulations results reveal that the proposed fully complex-valued network,...

Author(s): Hamid A. Jalab and Rabha W. Ibrahim

April 2011

Power control in wireless ad hoc networks for energy efficient routing with end-to-end packet delay minimization

  Wireless ad hoc networks are the networks with no infrastructure and that have limited battery. It is necessary that the nodes in the network use their energies efficiently. In this study, on-demand and position based algorithms that minimize end-to-end packet delays and that use their node energies most effectively are proposed. The proposed algorithm helps to transport packets to their destinations by...

Author(s): Resul Kara

April 2011

Intramolecular proton transfer of 2-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)iminomethyl]-3,5-dimethoxyphenol Schiff-base ligand: A density functional theory (DFT) study

  The title Schiff-base ligand could exist as two enol-imino (E) and keto-enamine (K) tautomers. Here, employing density functional theory, and handling the solvent effects with the polarizable continuum model (PCM), the structural parameters, energetic behavior, natural bond orbital analysis, as well as tautomerization mechanism of the E and K tautomers are investigated. The percentage of...

Author(s): S. Ali Beyramabadi and Ali Morsali

April 2011

Occurrence of carbon nanotube from banana peel activated carbon mixed with mineral oil

  Banana peel activated carbon and 2% mineral oil mixture was used as a precursor for carbon nanotube and nanocarbon. The process of synthesis involves pyrolysis of precursors at 1000 to 1200°C in a closed stainless-steel tube (f 12.7 mm, 1.0 mm inches thick and lengths = 200 mm). The final products were analyzed using SEM, TEM and XRD. SEM and TEM investigation showed that the products consisted of a...

Author(s): Mopoung S.

April 2011

A new iterative method for solving absolute value equations

  In this paper, we suggest and analyze a new iterative method for solving the absolute value equations  where is symmetric matrix,  and is unknown. This method can be viewed as a modification of Gauss-Seidel method for solving the absolute value equations. We also discuss the convergence of the proposed method under suitable conditions. Several examples are given to illustrate the...

Author(s): Muhammad Aslam Noor, Javed Iqbal,  Sanjay  Khattri and Eisa Al-Said

April 2011

A new method for solving a system of fifth-order obstacle boundary value problems

  In this paper, we use the variation of parameters method for solving a system of fifth-order boundary value problems associated with obstacle problems. The results are compared with the exact solution over the whole domain and error estimates are calculated. An example is given to illustrate the efficiency and implementation of the variation of parameters method.   Key words: Variation of...

Author(s): Muhammad A. Noor, Khalida I. Noor, Asif Waheed, Sanjay K. Khattri and Eisa A. Al-Said

April 2011

The experimental parameters optimization approach using a learning genetic algorithm

  A learning genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the experimental parameters optimization problem. This method can not only enhance the efficiency of genetic algorithm through the pre-given user experience, but also improve the efficiency of genetic algorithm via learning the knowledge obtained from the optimization process. Experimental results suggest that the learning genetic algorithm can effectively...

Author(s): Lu Lu and Xiuxia Quan

April 2011

Fuzzy ellipsoidal projective plane model

  A definition of fuzzy plane projective geometry (FPPG) and fuzzy Desargues' proposition are given in Gupta and Ray (1993). In this work, we give fuzzy ellipsoidal projective plane model (FEPP) and then show that fuzzy Pappus theorem is satisfied in this fuzzy ellipsoidal projective plane model.   Key words:  Fuzzy sets (fuzzy) projective planes, fuzzy point, fuzzy...

Author(s): S. Ekmekçi, A. Bayar and Z. Akça

April 2011

Optimization of software engineering resources using improved genetic algorithm

  The arrangement of the human and material resources is an important issue in the software development process. To effectively solve the distribution optimization of software engineering resources, an improved genetic algorithm with heuristic feedback is constructed in this work. The proposed approach employs the executive matrix as chromosome which covers the matrix coding chromosome planning and allocation...

Author(s):   Lu Lu and Xiuxia Quan  

April 2011

A numeric-analytic method for approximating three-species food chain models

  This paper investigates the accuracy of the differential transformation method (DTM) for solving the three-species food chain models which is described as three-dimensional system of ODES with quadratic and rational nonlinearities. Numerical results are compared to those obtained by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to illustrate the preciseness and effectiveness of the proposed method. The direct...

Author(s): M. Merdan, A. Gokdogan and V.S. Erturk

April 2011

Isomorphism theorems for fuzzy submodules of gamma modules

  We generalize the Davvaz’s paper to the fuzzy submodules of gamma modules and give some characterizations of fuzzy gamma modules.   Key words: Fuzzy ideal, fuzzy submodule, ring, gamma modules (-Module), fuzzy isomorphism theorems.

Author(s): Bayram Ali Ersoy

April 2011

Distribution of wind direction recorded at maximum wind speed: A case study of Malaysian wind data for 2005

  In this study, four types of circular probability distribution, namely circular uniform distribution, von Mises distribution, wrapped-normal distribution and wrapped-Cauchy distribution are considered in search of a  circular probability distribution provides the best fit for Malaysian wind direction data recorded at maximum speed. The data collected were classified as annual, northeast monsoon and...

Author(s): N. A. B. Kamisan, A. G. Hussin, Y. Z. Zubairi and S. F. Hassan

April 2011

Optimal control of inventory-production systems with gumbel distributed deterioration

  This paper is concerned with the development of an inventory-production model for a special class of generalized extreme value, that is, gumbel distributed deterioration items. The production system with inventory-level-dependent demand is considered and Pontryagin maximum principle is used to determine the optimal control, which is the production rate that minimizes the optimal control model, while...

Author(s): Md. Azizul Baten and Anton Abdulbasah Kamil

April 2011

Gifted students’ opinions about “earthquake": A qualitative study

  This study was carried out to put forth gifted students’ perspectives towards “earthquake” concept. A total of 156 primary school students participated in the research in Ankara BÄ°LSEM schools in 2010-2011 academic year. The data of the research was gathered by completing “The earthquake means….. “, or I consider earthquake as …….” statement. In the...

Author(s): Fatih Aydin and Mücahit Coskun