Full Length Research Paper
The Covid 19 pandemic has not yet yielded enough documentations on food security in Africa. This article aims to take stock of the situation of food systems, based on information relayed by international institutions and official authorities in two countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Senegal and Uganda. The information from articles and reports of international organizations made it possible to draw up a nuanced observation. While agricultural production in the two countries has been relatively unaffected by the restrictive measures taken to limit the spread of the virus, some sectors of production have encountered difficulties in selling their perishable products. But above all, the Covid 19 crisis has highlighted the disconnection between the agricultural production sector, food distribution and the situation of precarious consumers, who in urban and rural areas have taken the brunt of the cessation of economic activities. This health crisis calls for rethinking long-term crisis management measures with an integrated approach to food systems to strengthen their resilience and support the adaptation strategies of actors.
Key words: Covid-19, agriculture, food systems, food security, resilience.
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