Full Length Research Paper
For draught animal technology to contribute to its full potential to farming, it needs to be backed up with suitable and relevant extension and training packages. This study investigated the effect of extension on farmers’ husbandry and management practices and field performance of draught horses in EN-Nhoud locality, West Kordofan State, Sudan. The study followed the cross-sectional survey design on a sample of 80 farmers, selected following the systematic random sampling technique on geographical location. Data was collected using a formal questionnaire with the farmers in face to face interview and was analysed descriptively to produce frequency and percentage tables. Dependency between the selected variables was tested using chi square test. Additional data was collected through interviews with the director of the Administration of Agriculture in the locality and the senior staff as well as group discussions with the prominent farmers. The results showed that extension faces many constraints and problems; the most important of which are: Lack of funds, lack of experienced staff and lack of clear curricula and training content. This reflected on a weak role and impact on the farmers’ side and their husbandry and management practices were less than optimal and consequently field performance was on the poor side. Animal feeding, harnessing and plough operation and care were poorly applied.
Key words: Draught animal technology, agricultural extension, draught horses, animal husbandry, animal management, field capacity and efficiency, harness, farming in Sudan.
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