Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 490

Table of Content: April-June 2021; 13(2)

May 2021

On the Challenges Faced by Female Members of Agricultural Cooperatives in Southeast Nigeria

This study uses structural equation modelling (SEM) and path diagram techniques to examine challenges faced by women in the agricultural sector cooperatives in Southeast Nigeria. The data are from a cross-section survey of randomly selected women cooperative members. Results suggest that women with poor economic status are less likely to have access to improved technology, labour, off-farm employment, and improved...

Author(s): Chukwujekwu A. Obianefo, Ogonna O. Osuafor and John N. Ng’ombe

June 2021

Factors influencing adoption of improved maize seed varieties among smallholder farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria

This study ascertained factors influencing adoption of improved maize seed varieties in three local government areas of Kaduna State, North-central Nigeria. It collected cross-sectional data for a sample of 180 randomly selected farming households across three local government areas of the State in 2015/16. Both descriptive and inferential analyses were performed on the data. The descriptive statistics differentiated...

Author(s): Oluwatoyin Bukola Chete  

June 2021

Socioeconomic and demographic predictors for adoption of new sugarcane varieties in Nandi County, Kenya

Despite there being high demand for sugarcane products globally, low yielding varieties in Kenya persist. A study was conducted in Nandi, Kenya to assess age, level of education, gender, level of awareness, price of produce and cost of changing to new varieties, perception of risks, planting materials and scale of farm operations as predictors of adoption for new sugarcane varieties. Purposive and multistage sampling...

Author(s): Joseph Kipkorir Cheruiyot  

June 2021

Women’s empowerment: A gender outcome of an improved agriculture health and nutrition project in Zambia and Malawi

HIV Aids has had a major impact on resource-limited African rural Sub-Saharan communities, especially upon women who typically experience greater gender inequity, have fewer assets and greater food insecurity and vulnerability. Coordinated interventions in crop productivity, nutrition, AIDS treatment, and livelihood security can have significant positive impacts on individuals and households; however their impact upon...

Author(s): Amare Tegbaru, John G. Fitzsimons, and Therese Gondwe  

June 2021

Do agricultural research and rural extension organizations satisfy households’ agricultural demands? Evidence from maize growers in Sussundenga district, Mozambique

This paper compares the supply and demand of agricultural technologies related to maize crop in Sussundenga district, Mozambique. The field work was carried out in February and March 2018 and comprises of a survey of 140 households’ maize growers, interviews with 15 agricultural technicians and six focus group meetings (four with maize growers and two with agricultural technicians). Data analysis was done using...

Author(s): Sérgio Feliciano Come, José Ambrósio Ferreira Neto, Eunice Paula Armando Cavane  

June 2021

Effectiveness of bylaws in supporting sustainable crop intensification: A case of potato farming in Southwestern Uganda

The study assessed the effectiveness of formal and informal bylaws in supporting sustainable crop intensification in potato farming regions of Southwestern Uganda. An exploratory case-study descriptive design was adopted, involving both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study relied on data from the review of the existing formal and informal bylaws on sustainable crop intensification, key informant...

Author(s): Makuma-Massa Henry, Paul Kibwika, Paul Nampala, Victor Manyong and Mastewal Yami