Immunomodulatory effects the aqueous extract of Strychnos camptoneura (Loganiaceae) leaves in Swiss mice
July-December 2022 - Vol 11 Num. 1
Strychnos camptoneura (Loganiaceae) is used in Congolese traditional medicine to treat various diseases such as malaria and diabetes, but not much is known about its effects on the immune system. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of S. camptoneura leaves. Mice were...
Immunomodulatory effects the aqueous extract of Strychnos camptoneura (Loganiaceae) leaves in Swiss mice
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Sharing information and internet resources of immunological interest
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The antibiogram and role of antibody in prophylaxis of albino rats against diarrhoea caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7
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