Full Length Research Paper
Despite claims that Taenia saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis cause adverse financial and socioeconomic effects on cattle farmers, there is no recent empirical evidence to justify this assertion in Botswana. This paper provides empirical analysis of bovine taeniosis and cysticercosis effects on farmers’ wellbeing in Botswana. Interviews and observations using non-participatory structured questionnaire were used to collect primary data from industry stakeholders ( =149). Socio-economic effects were determined by analyzing fourteen (14) objectively verifiable socioeconomic indicators (OVIs) using binomial regression, while financial losses were estimated using means. Results indicate that farmers’ emotional wellbeing and ability to save money were significantly affected (p<0.05) and ability to provide food for family was significantly affected (p<0.10). Affected farmers were 30.30 times (SE=0.87), 11.02 times (SE=0.89) and 8.29 times more likely to experience emotional disturbance, unable to save money and unable to provide food for family, respectively, compared to unaffected farmers. Economic losses arise from condemnation and devaluation of carcasses. Farmers’ response to bovine cysticercosis effect included, diversifying, downsizing or abandoning cattle farming. Currently, Botswana government does not compensate for condemned carcasses but this study recommends compensation and provision of re-stocking seed calves as most efficient government intervention measure. Also, cattle insurance is recommended to reduce loss and disease cost.
Key words: Taenia saginata cysticercosis, cattle farming, financial loses, socio-economic effects.
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